Step Towards Dreams

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Sheikh vila Luckhnow

"So you decided to go?"the hoarse voice came from behind.

"Ji Abbu (Yes, father)" I replied without turning back. I know if I look towards him it will be impossible for me to leave. I want to give happiness of whole world to my parents but doing just opposite. I am giving them pain of separation. I know its unbearable now but it will be fruitful in future, both for my family and community.

" You know, you can return anytime." his disappointment turns in to understanding. He sat on the sofa near the window, watching me, packing my stuffs. I looked towards him, my always busy father sitting in my room doing nothing. He wanted me to join our family business but my heart beat for something else. Human Anatomy always attract me and my thirst to know more about it increased with each passing day.My thirst for knowledge leads me to prepare for medical entrance exam. I can't forget the day of my result.

Aamir sheikh topped the NEET 2018 (National eligibility entrance test) the news was flashing on the national television. The news spread in whole Luckhnow like wild fire and our 20*50 living room seems small. Our house filled with people who came to congratulate me. That day, the smile, I saw on my father's face is unforgettable. The media came to took my interview and I felt like a overnight celebrity.

"So Mr. Salman, how are you feeling now? Your son topped in one of the toughest exam of country? the overenthusiastic anchor asked.

"I am grateful, Allah blessed me a very intelligent son." my father's appreciation was best gift for me.

Ammi gave dawat to whole family and Asma and Anara the evil twin sisters of mine, took a treat from me. Whole day both of them shopped in the mall and I lifted their carry bag but that is not the end.

" Bhai(brother), please, let's watch a movie? Asma said

" Bhai, You are going in few days for four long years and in your absence no one will allow us to come here." Anara joined her.

" Please "

" please "

I gave in to their demand and they choose some super boring movie to watch.

Crying and sobbing voice bring me back from my thoughts.

" Ammi (Mother) I am not leaving to fight a war. I am going for higher studies . Please stop crying. "I wiped her tears.

" I am not crying. First time you are going for such a long time I can't control myself. How will you manage...

"Don't worry about that Aaisha, he will stay in our bungalow."

"Bungalow?" confusion is written on mine and Ammi's face.

"Yes, a bungalow. I have purchased it to give Aamir on his 18th birthday but he already decided to leave earlier." disappointment audible in his tone "
I have arranged cook, driver, servant for your comfort son and Mushtaq will accompany you"

Everything else is alright but that weirdo won't accompany me in Delhi.

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