Weird Roommate

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Beep, beep, beep continues ringing of alarm bell wakes me up. I rub my eyes annoyingly. I looked towards the ventilation of my room and its early dawn. I switched on lights of room and sight infront of me, scared me. Neelam, my roommate sitting on the bed comfortably, eyes closed, unfetched with ringing alarm in her cellphone. I silenced the alarm and she looks me accusingly.

Neha my other roommate still sleeping peacefully. Its 5 AM in the morning  and I moved towards the washroom. I opened gate of my room and there is pin drop silence in corridor leading to washroom. I can hear my foot steps echoing in empty hallway. My heart is hamming loudly in my ribcage.
I don't know why people felt don't look back, someone might be following you. I felt the same but dared to turn back and there is no one. I reach to the common wash room its surprisingly lited. I completed  wudu and hurriedly returned to my room. I spread the mat on the floor and offered the fajr prayer.

"Its Islamic way of offering prayer" I said to my staring roommate Neelam and she turned her gaze to sideways.

"Lets go to bathroom and take a bath" she announced and I don't know why I comply with her.

"Good morning" Neha my other roommate said on our return.

"Good morning." I replied politely.

"So you too join the brigade of always picture perfect girl." she said, eyes focused on Neelam who is applying makeup.

"Its not like that." I replied. I don't like the staring this two giving each other.

"Come, lets have breakfast together." Neha hold my hand.

"Don't try to influenced her, she will eat when she want." Neelam snapped.

"You are the one who is doing that. What's the need to go to washroom together."

"I just asked she came willingly. Its better she stay in my company because you are something else."

"What do you mean by something else Neelam." the atmosphere heated up suddenly.

"Girl with multiple men aka. s**t" Neelam muttered and immediately received a slap from Neha who is fuming with anger. Neelam doesn't took the slapping lightly and pulled her hair brutally. They fall on the floor pulling hairs of each other. Both of them were kicking and hitting each other.
I felt like a referee of boxing match. I tried to separate them but failed.Soon other girls came to enjoy our misery. They were rooting for their favorites. I felt its mad place, two of my roommate fighting like animals and rest are enjoying.

At the last our seniors came and stopped everything. I didn't ate breakfast and lunch. My mood completely spoiled after fight. For my surprise both of them ate like nothing happened. They ignored each other most of the times. There is no talk or talk in taunts only. The atmosphere reminds me my  home which  suffocated me once


"Ma'am, I want to change my room." I said to our warden. I look upwards 'Allah please help me',my inner self chanted. I know he is the only one who can help me.

"Why?" she said directly looking in my eyes.

"Ma'am, cold war is going on between my roommate Neha and Neelam and I am sandwiches among them."

"Its not your home where we can put your comfort at top priority. Adjust with them." she dismissed me within few minutes while I prepare for hours for this meeting.

I came out of office and few other girls enter with same issue. I am summoned by warden along with few others.

" As all of you facing compatibility issues with your roommates. I am changing your arrangements for once and all." her announcement is bliss for us. We headed towards our new room. I knock the door and its unlocked. I peep in to look and its still dark. I enter and switch on the light.There is some movement on bed, I awake someone from deep slumber. The girl open and close her eyes to adjust her vision. A yawn escape from her mouth. I recognize her, she is the same girl I met in office.

" Hey " she said with bright smile on her face.Its been ages someone shows smile to me and its strangely comforting. I am prepared for cruel words not warmth. Its tough to deal with rudeness but toughest to kindness. My heart yearning for a warming relationship since ages. When somebody show a little bit of affection,my heart melts.

" Hi "I replied with same enthusiasm
" Warden shuffled the room arrangements and I am your new roommate. "I state the fact.

" okay "she helped me in picking my belongings." do you need help in setting things? "

" No, I'll manage. "I denied her offer and she placed my books on table.

" I am Karuna Rajpurohit. "she introduce herself while sitting on her bed.

" I am Aamna Rahman Ali. "

" So where is your native place? "I continued this time.

" I belongs to the land of Royals"there is pride in her voice and glint in eyes.


"Yes" the broad wide smile showcase her sparkling white teeth. "and you?"


Our conversation continue for some more time and she is very easy person to talk. I devloped a liking towards her ignoring her revealing clothing choice. She is the first one I talk who doesn't wear modest clothes. I grew up in the society where girls wearing short dresses considered bad but she seems nice or its too early to judge.

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