Chapter 14: The Missing Man (Part 1)

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Y/n's POV
"Robberies, kidnappings, murder.. man, these cases never stop coming do they?" Conan said looking at the newspaper

We are at Professor Agasa's house since he had something to show us. "Yeah, but your detective skills are working pretty well right?" Agasa asked still focused on what he was doing

"But that dumb Oji-san gets all the credit."

"You've could've gotten credit if you didn't follow me that night." I mumbled

"By the way, (Y/n)-" Before Conan could finish his sentence, I cutted him off

"It's Kuroba for you. We aren't close." I said with an unreadable expression

"Kuroba-san...that day when you helped me in the airport, what did you do to him?" Conan asked

"When I came to Professor Agasa's house, he gave me this." I said passing him a lipstick

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Conan asked looking at me like I'm crazy

I walked up to him and took the lipstick. I opened it and looked around the room for something to use.

"Professor Agasa, is it okay if I use something around the house to show Kudo was the lipstick does?" I asked

"Yes it's fine."

I stepped away from Conan and put my hand out where the lipstick was. "What are you doi-"

Before he could finish his sentence I tased him. The lipstick was actually a taser. After a second, I let go of the button and Conan was now dizzy.


"Its actually a taser." I said calmly

"I thought you were going to use like a pillow or something.." Conan said holding his head

"It only works on living things. I only said that so that you wouldn't freak out."

"Look, I finished it!" Professor Agasa said putting a skateboard down, "This is a turbo engine skateboard. It's kind of like the shoes that (Y/n)-chan has. But they don't form as shoes."

"Ah, thank you Professor Agasa! Call us again if you make anything else!"

~ At Mouri's house ~

"Please Mr. Detective..PLEASE FIND MY FATHER!!"

I heard a voice say inside of Oji-San's house. Conan and I opened the door and Ran welcomed us as usual.

"Welcome back Lilith-chan, Conan-kun." Ran said as she stood in front of us

"My father works away from home in Tokyo. But he's been missing for the past month." The girl said

"What happened?" I asked in a whisper tone, looking up at Ran

"Her name is Misami Kenzou. She came here a while ago asking for help to find her father that has been missing for a month." Ran said and I slightly flinched

I looked around at Conan and luckily he didn't notice. I looked at the girl feeling sadness inside me. We were both on the same page of a missing father.

"-And he quit his job at the taxi company. I had the police look for him as well, but they couldn't find him."

"And so you came to me..." Oji-san said

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