Chapter 30: The Past is Unforgettable

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~ 9 Years ago ~
(Y/n is 7)

I felt the wind rush pass me as it made contact with my skin. The sound of leaves crashing together and the laughter of Kaito and I filled our backyard. Kaito was giving me a back ride when he suddenly let me down and turned to face me.

My eyebrows raised up in confusion and without a warning, I was picked up and thrown up into the air. My (e/c) eyes widened as I felt Kaito let go of me for me to fly up in the air. I looked down and caught a slight glance at Kaito below me.

His indigo colored eyes looking back up at me, his brown messy hair moving softly with the wind, his pale skin touching the sun rays as he gave a give smile and laugh. His hands were raised up and raised back down with he caught me in his arms.

"Again! Again!"

His chuckled was so soft when I finished saying that. He got a firm grip on me and threw me up in the sky again. This time, I raised up my hand up to the sky, thinking I could touch the clouds. But I fell back down into Kaito's arms.

Giggles and laughter once again filled the backyard when Jii-chan suddenly spoke making both of us turn to look at him.

"Young master! Young miss! Your father's show is soon about to start. Shall I take you there to enjoy the show?"

My eyes lit up and sparkles were seen in my eyes. "Yes!!"

I grabbed Kaito's hand and pulled him out of the house and into the car. I watched as the trees passed by as a blur. I was excited for father's show, it will took place on in a amusement park but just with a rollercoaster. Nothing else.

In no time, the car came to a halt and I didn't waste time to jump out the car. I've been to several of father's shows but every time I just get excited. I suddenly stopped. I held my chest feeling something...odd.

"Young miss! Slow down, young miss. There's many cars here and you can get hurt."

"...Yeah.." I shook the feeling off and followed Jii-chan

Jii-chan guided us inside where the magic show took place. It was kinda in a building but then after along a big corridor, you would be led outside where the whole show was being set.

I saw a handful of people, or audience, ready to see the magic my father is about to do. We were able to be in the front, where we could see everything clearly.

I stood next to Jii-chan as cameras were being set up. I was curious about what it was going to be about or what magic he was going to pull out this time.

There was a big golden banner saying, "Toichi Kuroba's Escape Plan". I suddenly jumped in excitement upon hearing that the magic show is about to start.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready for Toichi Kuroba's show??" A male asked through the microphone

The crowd cheered loudly and my father was seen in the big screen from a camera pointing directly at him.

"Today! We will witness an escape from our one and only, greatest magician, Kuroba Toichi!! He will be chained up from his torso, wrists, and ankles in the rollercoaster of fire!"

Gasps and applauses came from the crowd as men started to chain up my father in of the seats of the rollercoaster. One of them gave him a helmet, only his blue eyes were seen.

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