Chapter 16: The Pitiful Girl (Part 1)

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Y/n's POV
"That's weird." Ran said catching our attention

"Hm?" Kogoru raised his head up

"What's wrong Ran-neesan?" I asked walking to her

"No matter how many times I call, I can't get a hold of that girl..." Ran said putting the phone up to her ear

"That girl?" Kogoru said with a raised brow

"You know, the one who came here a while ago asking to find her father...Hirota Misami-san!!"

"Ahh, the one who came all the way from Yamagata?" Oji-san asked

"I've been wondering what happened after she met her father, so I've been calling, but.." Ran paused but then continued, "Are sure sure this is the right number?" Ran asked putting a piece of paper in front of Oji-San's face

"She wrote it herself so it should be, but...she was always the one who got in touch with us, so I never actually called the number either.." Oji-san said looking at the piece of paper

"Do you think she might have gone back home?" Ran asked

"Or she might still be in that apartment with her father. Or else.." Oji-san got interrupted by Conan

"Maybe her father ran away from her again."

"That's possiblity. When that old man saw his daughter he looked pretty surprised." Oji-san added

I looked up seeing that Oji-san also noticed it. I was glad that I wasn't the only one who noticed it but at the same I was weirded out by how Hirota acted that way.

"STOP JOKING AROUND!" Ran yelled startling Conan and Oji-san, "I've...I've got a bad feeling about this." She paused for a second and then continued, "I'm going to that apartment!"

She went towards the doors and nearly broke it.

"H-hey, wait! Ran!"



Everyone was as shocked as I was when we heard the news from the landlady.

"Is this true, Ms. Landlady?" Oji-san asked

"Yes..I found him hung up by his neck last night. It caused such a scene." The landlady said

"Oh no..." I heard Ran say with a shakey voice

"It's such a bothersome's going to ruin our reputation here." The landlady said shaking her head

"WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MAN'S DAUGHTER?!" Oji-san said all of a sudden startling me and the landlady

'Calm down old man...' I said in my head


"Hirota Masami-san! The one who had been searching for him!" Oji-san said

"Why did he run away from his family?" The landlady asked making Oji-san raise a brow


"I dunno...he was kinda of a weirdo anyway." She said as I raised a brow, "He paid for a year's worth of rent beforehand, and he told me not to ask him any questions."

"A year's worth?" I asked

"And he paid in brand new bills, too. I thought he might have been a runaway, but I'm not sure. But if his daughter did come to him, she might have been murdered somewhere too."

"Murder?" I heard Conan mumble

"But didn't Hirota-San kill himself?" Oji-san asked

"When the inspector came to look at the body, he said this was a murder."


~ At the police station ~

Author's POV

"Yeah, that's right," Said inspector Megure, "It was a murder. After he was strangled to death, he was hung from the ceiling."

"B-but that's impossible." Kogoru said nearly yelling

"We found fingerprints not belonging to the victim on the rope and ceiling...I'm sure of it!!"


"The motive might have been money. Everything of possible value had been taken out of his apartment. The only things left were his cats."

There was a long silence before Inspector Megure decided to speak again.

"We still don't know who did it, but looking at the large handprints around his throat, it was probably the work of a very large man. Practically a giant."

"A giant..." Kogoru mumbled

"We didn't find the victims daughter who you told us about. But we did find these near the scene of the crime." Inspector Megure said showing Kogoru round glasses

His eyes widened while looking at the glasses that were in his hands.

"T-these are...MISAMI-SAN'S GLASSES!!" Kogoru yelled. "Then Misami-san..."

"Yes. We haven't found a body yet but it'll probably turn up somewhere."

You were standing outside the police station along with Conan and Ran. After a long time of waiting outside, Kogoru stepped outside with his head hung low with both his hands in his pockets.

You heard shuffling from the far side of you making your head turn to that direction. You faced the back of a tall man who's wearing a khaki jacket.

From the height, hairstyle, and facial expression, you instantly recognized the man. It was the man from the other day when Misami-san reunited with her father.

'What is he doing here? Is he...stalking us?'


"Hey hey, don't get so down." Kogoru said trying to cheer up Ran

"So Misami-san might have been murdered?"


"She worked so hard just to see her father. Only to have this happen to her." Ran said said, tears threatening to fall. "IT'S TOO AWFUL!!" She yelled as tears were now rolling down her cheeks

Kogoru panicked seeing his daughter cry and and did Conan.

"She may not have been killed! She might just have been taken away from the murderer."

'That's right Ran.' Conan said in his head, 'You can't give up yet!! If we Misami-San before it's too late..but what should we do?'

You chuckled lightly catching Conan's attention. "What's so funny, Lilith-chan?" He whispered loud enough fo you hear

"How you're breaking your head thinking of how to find Misami-San when you have...this." You said flicking the side of Conan's glasses


"I saw you accidentally put the tracker on Misami-San's watch when we were in the Oji-San's house."

"How did you know?" Conan asked raising a brow

"Let's just say...I have an eye of an eagle."

To be continued...

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