Chapter 38: Research (Part 2)

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Author's POV
"O-OI! DON'T COME NEAR ME!" You yelled trying to back away.

You couldn't see the person face but you knew for sure it was man. The man ignored your warning and continued to walk towards you. He kept stuttering something your couldn't make put bit as he got closer you heard him.

"K-Kiyomi! Is that you?"

"HEY HEY HEY! STOP RIGHT THERE OR I'LL SCREAM!" You threatened looking around to search for an escape route.

"B-but Kiyomi?! Did you forget?? I'm your father!" The man exclaimed as he was now much closer to you. You were about to scream when you were pulled into a tight hug. "God how I missed you so much, Kiyomi.."

Tears formed in the mans eyes as he tightened his grip on you, as if he didn't want to lose you. Your brows raised in confusion from the sudden action from the stranger. Reality hit you again and you tried pulling away from the man. Hitting and kicking him with all your might.

"YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER! AND I'M NOT KIYO-" You were interrupted by a sneeze

You remember it was freezing cold making you once again shiver and sneeze again. And this made the man startled.

"Kiyomi! Are you feeling sick again?? Here! Cover up quickly!!" The man took off his coat and quickly wrapped you in it. "Let's go back before you get even more sick!"

"W-wait! NO!" You yelped, "THIS IS A KIDNAPPING SIR!! OI!"

Again, the man ignored you and picked you up. You tried kicking and biting him but the man just laughed and shrugged it off. You couldn't leave his grasp even if you wanted too.

Though he was taking you somewhere you didn't know, he didn't seem harmful. You took a quick glance at his face and started to name every detail in your head. You knew you would escape soon and will have to describe everything to the the police.

He looked to be around his mid 50s. Small wrinkles on his face. Grey hair, light brown eyes. A plain dirty t-shirt, baggy jeans, and a black coat that was now wrapped around you.

"You have no idea how much I missed you, Kiyomi.."

This time, you didn't say anything or do anything. Instead you paid attention to the turns he was taking. You didn't know what to do in these type of situations since Kaito never really talked about it. So right now, you just followed your gut.

It only took a few minutes before the man had went inside an old house and quickly ran to the kitchen. He set you down on the table and started to open cabinets, searching for something.


The man suddenly cursed and turned around to look at you. "We don't have any more medicine but don't worry! I'll go buy some right now!"

"Wait what-"

Before you could even say anything else, he had already ran out of the room. Your eyes blinked twice before realizing he had left you alone in the strange house.

"This kidnapped sucks. How can a kidnapper leave their victim in their home. ALONE! I rate this one out of five stars." You said to yourself rolling your eyes and jumping off the table.

You looked around Inspecting every corner of the house. I atleast need the man's name. I don't know what the police will need to find the man.

The house was dirty. Dust was on the floor, few food and drinks on the fridge, and two rooms. You went inside one of the rooms and quickly inspected every inch of it.

A pink and white bed, a drawer, a closet, and a desk with books and pencils sitting on top of it. You walked over to the desk and noticed a red dairy and pencil laying in between of the book.

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