Chapter 3: Sibling Fight

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Y/n's POV

"Let's be friends, (Y/n)-chan." Ran said smiling

I smiled and nodded. I felt happy having friends. I wasn't going to be alone with my brother.

"The next bell is going to ring. Let's go to class." Shinichi said as we all nodded

I went to class feeling happy inside. I can finally experience what it's like to have friends.

~ After School ~

I was packing up my things ready to go home when Ran called me.

"(Y/n)-chan, since tomorrow is Saturday do you want go to Tropical Land with me and Shinichi tomorrow?" Ran asked

'Tomorrow night is new moon. And they'll probably try to make me stay till night time.'

"No it's okay. I have things to do tomorrow." I said

"Oh okay, maybe next time?" Ran asked

"Yeah of course."

'As long as it isn't on a new moon' I said to myself

All three of us where walking to the front ready to go home when I spotted Kaito. He was waiting for me in the gates. He saw me and smiled but it turned into a frown when he saw Shinichi.

'Over protective brother alert' I said to myself

"I'll see you on Monday then. Bye!" I said waving at them

I ran to my brother and we started walking home. It was silent walk so I guessed he had a bad day or something.


We reached home and we took our shoes off at the entrance.

"I'm going to take a shower onii-san." I said going upstairs

"Okay, don't take too long! I'll make us something to eat!" Kuroba yelled from downstairs

I took a shower and wore some comfortable clothes. I went downstairs and saw Kuroba cooking. I back hugged him and rested my head on his back.

"Tired?" He asked


"Remember tomorrow you have to return the diamond." He reminded me

"I don't understand. Why do we steal items and then return them back?"

"It's just to tease the police. Come let's eat dinner." Kaito said placing the plates on the table

We sat down and started eating. I was debating if I should tell him of my new friends. I don't know how he will react but he said that he always wants to see me happy.

Author's POV

"Onii-san, I found some new friends today." You said breaking the silence

"That's great! What are their names?"

"Mouri Ran and Kudo Shinichi." Kaito slammed his hands of the table making you flinch

"Are you crazy?! Ran's father is a detective! And Shinichi is a detective also! Why are you friends with detectives (Y/n)!!" He yelled

"What's wrong being friends with detectives, huh?!" You yelled getting up from your seat

"What do you mean what's wrong!? Shinichi is chasing you as Black Swan! You are risking your life ( Y/n)!!"

"From what Kaito?! What is out there that you want to protect from the world!"

"That's something you shouldn't know! And I want you to break your 'friendship' with those kids!"

"Aoko's father is also a detective! He's chasing you too! And you're friends with her and do you see me yelling at you!! Do you see me telling you to stop hanging out with her?! No!!"

"Don't bring Aoko in this (Y/n)!" Kaito warned

When he said that you scoffed. "Why? Because she's your girlfriend? She's the daughter of a detective, Kaito! We're thieves and they're detectives! We can't fall in love with them! But look at you! Falling in love with a-"

You couldn't finish your sentence because you heard a glass break. It was your favorite vase and Kaito threw at the wall. But he accidentally threw it at your direction making it seem as if he was aiming it at you.

You thought he wanted it too throw it at you. But that wasn't what Kaito wanted to do. His wasn't in his right mind and he didn't want to throw it at your direction. He didn't want to hurt you. But you thought of it the opposite way.

"Y-you..." Tears were started to fall one by one down your cheek

"Y-y/n, I-I didn't m-mean too...."

You ran upstairs to your room and locked the door. You were sobbing from the thought of your brother trying to hurt you. Kaito was begging for you to open the door but you just continued to sob.

Y/n's POV

I slowly got up and went to my bathroom. Looking at the mirror, I saw my eyes were red and puffy. I washed my washed my face and went back out. I laid on my bed remembering the scene that just happened a few minutes ago.

'Where are you Oto-san....'

To be continued.......

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