Chapter 41: Timed Bomb

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"Lili.... Lilit...LILITH!!"

I jumped and let out a loud gasp. My blinked a few times and looked around. I wasn't in my bedroom anymore. Instead I was in what seemed like a warehouse.

"Too close buddy." Kaito said picking up Conan by the back of his shirt

I nearly choked when I saw Kaito coming out of the shadows. What was he doing here??

"Kaito-kun! Put Conan down!" Ran yelled seeing Conan struggling to get down

"Conan huh? Such a weird name for this...kid." Kaito said letting go of Conan making him fall on the ground

Conan groaned and Ran quickly rushed to help Conan. What was she doing here? Or..why was everyone here?? Oji-san, Ran, Haibara, Heiji, Kaito, and Conan.

"What even is this place.." I asked ignoring Kaito's gaze on me

"We don't know..." Heiji said frustrated pushing his hair back, "We all woke up here."

Haibara helped me up and I brushed myself from the dirt. I suddenly stopped seeing a bracelet wrapped around my ankle. But it wasn't a normal was a bomb...


"Watch your mouth Y-"

"We all have them!" Conan yelled nervously

I stared in shock. Why was everyone here? What was I doing here? Questions filled up my head when suddenly a static sound was playing loudly making everyone jump from the sudden noise.

We spotted a old TV laying on top of a table. No one dared to go near it. I felt my heart beat faster trying not to think it came out of a horror movie.

Suddenly it stopped and was now a man's voice. It was static but we could hear what the man was saying. I squinted my eyes trying to get a better look at the man but everything was dark. I could see his silhouette but nothing else.

"Why did I bring you here you may ask? I brought you all here to solve a few...task."

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Oji-san yelled

"It doesn't matter right now. What matters is your life right? You value your life more than anything else. Isn't that right...Kuroba Kaito."

Everyone's eyes landed on Kaito who had his hands in a fist. Staring down at the dirty floor as his body was shaking. His poker face no longer was with him. And that worried me.

He never let his poker face down even if he was in a bad situation. But this shows we're dead.

"You have something to do with this huh?!" Oji-San yelled, clearly mad. Kaito ignored him and kept looking down making Oji-san even more angry. "ANSWER ME!!"

He grabbed Kaito by the collar which brought him back to reality. He pushed Oji-san off him and glared at him, "Don't you dare touch me old man."

"Don't call my father that!! You have no right to call him like that!" Ran yelled defending Oji-san

"Oh yeah? Then what right does this 'detective' have to point fingers on me?! I'm here just like you! Then does that mean you have something to do with this as well?"

"You little-"

"Enough with the arguing, save that for later. Let's get into the fun part shall we? There are a series of clues scattered around the the area you are in. Inside and outside."

"Screw this!" Oji-san yelled and bent down to pull off the bomb bracelet

"I would stop of I were you. I'm guessing you all already know what it is. But either way, that bomb won't come off by just pulling at it. And if you do manage to remove it before I deactivate it, it will explode. I improved my bombs, Kaito. You won't escape that easily now."

One again, everyone stared at Kaito. He looked like he wanted to beat the living life out the person behind the TV.

"Once you exit this warehouse, the timer will start to count down. Once you come back in, it will reset. But don't think you can run away. All of your actions are being monitored, there are GPS built inside the bombs. So it'll do no good running to a police station or even asked for help. If you do...tell your last prayer."

A maniac. That was all I could think of right there. And how that man knows who Kaito is. Kaito isn't even freaking out on who the person might be! It's as if he already knows who it is.

"Now allow me to be a gentleman and let the ladies go first."

"WHAT?!" Kaito yelled in shock


"If anyone other than the girls leave this warehouse, your bomb will activate and will explode. Think carefully of your choices."

Everyone was silent. "What do you need." I asked in such a cold tone that startled everyone in the room

"Each task consists of bombs. Deactivate the bombs before the timer runs out."

I gulped. "Where's the first bomb you placed."

"In exactly one hour, a bomb will explode. It's located in the plaza in front of the Beika park."

I raised a brow. "No hints? I think I deserve a hint if you would like to be a 'gentleman'." I smirked slightly

The man stayed silent for a few seconds before answering me. "You're not a detective so I'll only tell you this once. Beneath a tree. But it's not exactly buried beneath one. You might want to hurry or someone like you might take it."

"What do ya mean someone will take it?" Heiji asked confused and frustrated

"Let's choose one girl to leave shall we?"

"One?! But they're little girls!! They can't possibly have the ability to go there and search in a short period of time!" Ran yelled

"Little girls? Don't make me laugh. They are way far away from being little girls."

Haibara gasped making me turn to look at her. Fear was written all over her face. Another sign we will end up dead. I turned back to the TV as I tried to keep my mind straight.


My back straightened and let out a piercing scream. I fell on my knees and gripped my shirt.


I didn't know what I felt but it hurted me. Every inch of my body burned making me sweat.

"Time is ticking."

"T-those that mean Lilith-chan has to go out first?" Ran's voice trembled

Conan ran up to me and helped me back up. "Don't worry. I know you'll find it before the time runs out."

I nodded still feeling a small bit of pain rushing through my veins. I slowly made my way to the doors of the warehouse. My hands trembled as I opened them.

The sun was going down which met it was past four. I turned my head to the side to catch a small glimpse of Kaito.

He had a disappointed look on him. But also a worried and scared one. I turned away not wanting to face him much longer. I stepped out of the warehouse and I heard the time bomb in my ankle ticking.

'I have no time to waste. My life is in danger and so are the others. But...who was that man that Kaito knew? How come I don't know who it is?'

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