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What happened to Ran?

Kogoru was safely out of the hospital with all his wounds well treated. Ran wanted to forget all about Shinichi but she knew it would take a long time seeing how Shinichi has been by her since childhood.

She didn't know whether to stay in Tokyo or go abroad to forget about Shinichi.

"You don't have to leave to forget about that detective geek!" Sonoko yelled, her hands wrapped in a fist as she banged on the table of the cafe.

"Then do you have any idea on how to keep him off my mind?" Ran asked, her voice dry from the amount of nights she cried.

She would always tell her friends to not cry over guys when they aren't worth their time. But now, she's the one who's crying over a guy.

She couldn't just let her mind off him for one second even if she wanted to. He was the guy whom her heart always beated for. Whom made her feel jealous whenever he received love letters from his fans. He made her feel all these emotions that any other guy couldn't.

Ran let her fingers run through her hair, pushing her hair back before letting it fall back down to her face. She really didn't want to go from Japan. This is where she grew up in.

Memories of her growing up follow her throughout whole Tokyo, most of them reminding her of Shinichi. If she does leave, nothing would really change. She would still be alone no matter where she goes.

"Sonoko..what should I do? I feel completely useless!" Ran exclaimed, holding Sonoko's hands.

Sonoko couldn't help but to feel pity for Ran. She's been with Ran for years and yet, she can't help her in this situation. She shook her head, leaving all the bad thoughts in the back of her head.

"Listen to yourself, Ran! I understand that you have loved Shinichi since little kids. But still! You can't just ruin your live because of a guy who denied your love! There are many other guys who would die to be with you, believe me."

They stayed in the cafe until Sonoko had to leave. She offered Ran to her home but Ran denied saying that she would go herself and to not worry.

Ran didn't feel like going just yet so she stopped by the park. Kids  were running around, laughing with each other. A small smile appeared on her lips watching the kids run with laughter.

She sat down near a bench at the park and stared at the orange sunset. Her mind was hazy while thoughts clouded each other with questions she couldn't gave an answer with.

"What will I do now?"

"How can I forget him?"

"Why couldn't I stop myself?"

Tears were once again forming in her eyes as she thought more into it. She sobbed and buried her face into her hands. After all that's all she could do, cry.

"A young lady shouldn't waste her tears while a beautiful sunset is in front of her."

She looked up, startled by the voice that called beside her. Ran's teary eyes locked with the blue ones.

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