13 - A New Newsie

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I'm sitting on the floor of the Lodging House, leaning into Race's side when a knock comes from the door, and I start to get up. Jack stops me before I can, opening the door with his guard up.  From behind the doorway, I see a shivering little girl on the front step

"C-Can you help me?" she squeaks.

"Come in," Jack says, ushering her in. We exchange looks as she walks in, and I pull away from Race, opening my arms to her. She sits down on my lap and curls up into me.

I soon feel her breathing slow, and I realize that she has fallen asleep.

I look down at the fragile little girl curled up in my arms and wrap my arms around her protectively.

We sit in silence for a minute before Race says, "Okay, I'll bite. What are we gonna do with her?"

"Keep her," I respond immediately.

None of them respond to me.

"At least for tonight. She can sleep in my bunk," I say.

"Where will you sleep?" Jack asks me.

"I'll bunk with Race," I respond.

Jack eyes us suspiciously.

"We'll be good, Jackie, don't worry," I try to convince him. His rules have eased up, but I see him tense up when Race gets too touchy with me.

"Fine," Jack agrees.

"First, though, I can't go anywhere until she's off my lap," I say with a breath of laughter.

Race gently scoops her up from my lap, and we start upstairs to the bunks. He lies her down in my bed, and I tuck in the sheets around her.

Race's takes my hand, and we go off to get some sleep.

Once we're in bed together, he wraps his arms around me, and I lean into him.

"Goodnight," his breath tickles my neck.

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