7 - Not Allowed

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"(Y/N), you have to get up," Race says, shaking me lightly.

"Let me guess, time to carry the banner?" I say groggily.

"Yep, now come on," he says. He lingers for a moment before turning away.

I roll off my bed to get ready, rubbing my eyes.

"You're magic, with that hair, (Y/N)," Crutchie smiles.

"I know I am," I wink.


Jack's voice drones next to me. I think he's lecturing me about Davey, but I lost attention minutes ago.

"Are you listening to me, (Y/N)?" he asks me, hitting my arm lightly.

"Honestly, no," I laugh, rubbing my eyes.


"What? I don't want to hear another Jack lecture," I shrug.

"It's an important topic this time," he scowls.

"What, Davey telling you he likes me to cover for Race?" I yawn. Oh, wait.

"What! What do you mean?"

"Nothing," my brain spins, trying to distract him, "I think Crutchie is going to sell with Davey again today."

"Oh, no. Don't you try and change the topic, young lady. What are you not telling me?" Jack stops walking and puts himself in front of me.

I've done it now. "Fine. Please don't hate or hurt Race, though."

"I don't have any intentions to right now, but tell me what's up and we'll see about that," Jack narrows his eyes.

"Well," I sigh, "Davey doesn't really like me."

"What do you mean? He told me he did."

"Yeah, well, he lied. For me," I look over Jack's shoulder, catching a glimpse of Race at the gates. "You see, it's actually Racetrack who likes me. And I like him back. I'm his girl," I blush, "Davey just said all that to cover us up."

"What?! That's not allowed! You're no one's girl," Jack shouts.

"Jackie," I groan.

"You can't like Race, and he can't like you. No. Now, if I ever see you two together, you will both be in a lot of trouble," his scowl deepens.

"Jack, you can't do that," I roll my eyes.

"Oh, I absolutely can," he spins on his heel.

"I can date who I want. You can't control me!" I run behind him.

"Yes, I can. Now, you're selling with Elmer today. I'm gonna talk to Race and Davey about this."

"Don't do anything stupid, please," I grab his arm.

"I can try," he fakes a smile before shaking his arm free.

"Jackie!" I yell, still rooted in place.


Walking home I hear someone call from behind me, "Hey, (Y/N)!"

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask Crutchie, smiling for his sake.

"Your plan worked," he tells me. "I sold with Davey today, and I loved it."

"Well, I'm glad I could help," I start walking again.

"Are you okay?" he hobbles next to me.

"Jack and I had a fight about Race," I sigh, "I just wish he wouldn't baby me."

"Yeah, I can get that. But, he's just trying to protect you," Cruthcie says.

"I don't need to be protected!" I raise my voice, and he winces. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to shout. I'm just upset about the whole thing."

"It's fine. You'll figure it all out, I know you will," he smiles. "I'll see you later?"

"Of course," I smile.

He walks away, and I hear someone else call my name. The call is softer, and I turn around expecting Davey.

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