8 - Higgins

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I turn around expecting Davey, but it's Race. A wave of dopamine washes over me.

"Race!" I pull him into a nearby ally, back on alert. "Does Jack know you're here?"

"No, and he can't know. How did he find out about us, (Y/N)?" he asks me.

"I kinda, maybe, told him," I say, looking at my shoes.

"Why?" his voice is puzzled but not upset.

"Well, he was lecturing me about Davey liking me, and it just kinda slipped out. I feel terrible," I tell him.

"Hold up, Davey likes you? You're my girl!" Race says, his tone upset now.

"No, no, he doesn't, that's the thing. He just told Jack that he did to cover for me. And, according to Jack, I'm nobody's girl."

"Oh, well, thanks, Davey? But Jack still knows," he says.

Then I hear another voice call out.

"Higgins! Get away from my sister!"

Oh, crap.

"Jackie," I try to start, but he doesn't even look at me. He has his eyes pinned on Race.

"(Y/N), go back to the Lodging House," he tells me in a stern voice.

"Jack," I try again.

"No. Go back to the Lodging House," he flicks his eyes to me.

I give Race a look, trying to apologize, and I walk away. Jack better not do anything to him.


"Race? Race, are you okay?" I spring up as soon as he comes in the door.

"Yeah, I am. Don't worry so much," he pulls my waist in and smooths the crinkle in my brow with his thumb.

"Did he hurt you?" I step back, surveying him.

"I got a punch in the eye, but it wasn't that bad," he shrugs.

I throw myself on the Lodging Room's couch. "I told him not to do anything to you. I should've known he wouldn't listen."

"Hey, didn't you mention that I would look good with a black eye? It's nothing to worry about," he smiles, sitting down on the couch next to me.

"I just wish Jackie would leave me alone," I say, putting my head in my hands.

"I know you do," he slides closer to me, "but he just wants what's best for you."

"Everyone keeps saying that!" I shout. "But I don't care! I want him to leave me alone!"

"(Y/N)," he says, his voice soft and stern at the same time.

"Yeah?" My stomach sinks.

"I know that Jack can upset you, but don't wish away the people who care about you," he says, keeping eye contact that makes me want to squirm.

"I'm sorry," I say, pulling him into a hug.

"Don't apologize, please. Just know the ones who love you all show it differently."

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