17 - Breaking Rules

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"Race, we've gotta go to sleep soon. You know that if Jack catches us, you're so dead," I say.

"I know, but," he kisses me, "I would take a back eye for you any day."

"You're too sweet. But," I start again.

"Just a little more," he hushes me.

"Okay," I relax into his body, my legs spilt over his waist, and my hands wrapped around his neck.

He kisses down my neck and runs his hands under my shirt. "How did you get to be so amazing, (Y/N)?"

I let out a giggle and lift his face to met mine. "Right back at you," I tease.


"I heard a little of you and Race last night," Elmer whispers to me in the morning, and my eyes go wide. "Don't worry. I won't tell Jack," he smiles a goofy smile.

"El!" I exclaim.

"Your secret's safe with me," he winks while he walks away. My jaw drops and I let out a breath of laughter.


Race wraps his arm around my waist and twirls me into his chest.

"Race, I'm trying to work," I whine.

"Can I kiss you?" he asks.

"Quickly, and then we both have to get back to selling," I agree.


"Hey, (Y/N), come over here," Jack calls for me from across the Lodging House.

"Why?" I yell, not wanting to leave Race's arms.

"Just come over here," he shouts back. With an exasperated sigh, I walk over to where Jack is.

"I heard something about you and Race today," he says sternly.

"Wh-What was it?" I ask.

"That you two were messing around when you were supposed to be working today. Is that true?" he asks.

"Well, maybe just a little," I avoid eye contact with him.

"(Y/N)!" Jack raises his voice.

Race walks over. "Hey, what's going on?"

"You were playing with my sister when the two of you were supposed to be working!" Jack says.

"Jack, look, it really wasn't anything," Race tries.

"No. It was in the rules that you two couldn't mess around during work," he lectures. "You two won't be sharing a bunk or selling together for the next few days," he says sternly, shooting looks between the two of us.

"Jackie, come on," I try, but he cuts me off.

"You broke the rules, and you get punished, that's it. (Y/N), go back to your bunk, I want to talk to Racetrack a little more," Jack says.

I shoot Race a sorry glance before slumping back to my own bunk.

"You okay, (Y/N)?" Crutchie asks me as I flop onto my bed.

"No," I answer.

"Can I ask why?" he says, sitting on the end of my bunk with me.

"I can't see Race for a week because we messed around during work," I complain.

"Ah, man, I'm sorry," he says.

"I just wish Jackie would ease up on us, you know?" I say.

"Yeah, but c'mon, (Y/N), you know he's coming from a good place," Cruthie tries.

"Well, could he come from a good place that doesn't involve not letting me see my boyfriend!" I raise my voice and turn over on the bed.

Crutchie ignores my previous statement, saying, "The week will pass before you know it," and walking away to say good night to Davey.

"Yeah, right," I think out loud.


After a long day of selling where all I could think of was Race, I'm relaxing in the Lodging House.

A pound comes at the door and every boy in the place shoots Jack a worried look. Responding to their glances, he gets up and opens the door, visibly tense and on guard.

The moment the door is open, Race practically falls through it. I rush to steady him, but he shoves me away with surprising force.

"You," he growls, raising his arm.

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