22 - Goodnight

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(Y/N)'s POV

"On that note, what did just happen?" Jack asks.

"Crutchie had a panic attack," Davey says, met with confused stares from all of us.

"A what?" he says from behind us.

"Basically, his fight or flight instinct was triggered, probably by the news about Snyder, and it went into a really high gear," Davey breaks it down for us.

"But he's okay now?" I ask.

"Yeah. He's good for now," Davey says.

"What do you mean, for now," Jack asks, his eyebrows raised.

"There's a chance that it could happen again or even continue to happen," Davey says quietly.

"You mean that could happen to him regularly?" Race asks. Davey nods, and Jack curses under his breath.

"I don't want to- I can't- Davey- Help," Crutchie starts to get upset again. Davey turns around and sits next to him on the wall, engulfing him in a hug.

"How did you know how to help him, Dave?" Jack asks.

"My mom. She's been having panic attacks for as long as I can remember, and throughout it, my dad's learned how to help. I was just mimicking him," Davey says.

"Thank you," Crutchie murmurs into Davey's shoulder.

"No problem," he murmurs back.

"I think I'm going to stay at the House for the night. Les, will you tell Mom and Dad where I am?" Davey addresses us.

Les nods. "Sure. See you tomorrow, I guess," he says as he heads out the door.

"Well, I'm going to go up the roof and try to get some sleep," Jack announces.

"Race and I should probably be getting to bed too," I say, pulling him up from his chair.

I choose to ignore Jack's disapproving look and head up the bunks.

Taking off my shoes and overshirt, I slip into bed with Race, but he feels distant.

"What's wrong? Please tell me it isn't that you're still worried about being like your dad," I say

"No, no, it's not that. It's just- Now that Snyder's back-," he stumbles.

"I could get taken to the Refuge," I finish his sentence.

"Yeah," he sighs.

"C'mon, Race. You don't need to worry about me. I won't let them lay a hand on me," I reassure him.

"Yeah. You're right. Of course, you're right," he holds me a little closer.

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