24 - News

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Katherine's POV

It had been a few weeks since the Refuge had reopened, but I still wasn't having any luck. The articles I wrote, my editor shot down. I had no evidence to shut down the Refuge again. And, once again, my father was working against me.

"Don't stay up too much later, okay?" Jack gathers his bag from one of the library chairs.

"Yeah," I nod, my mind still submerged in the pile of papers around me.

"Hey," he lifts my chin and meets my eyes, "I'm serious."

With a kiss goodbye, Jack leaves me to my candlelit mess.

Jack's POV

I slip into the Lodging House door as quietly as I can, aiming to not wake up any of the boys, but I'm meet with everyone still awake.

"Jack, are Race and (Y/N) with you?" Davey jumps up.

My eyes scan the room, and I find everyone looking at me nervously.

"No, why?" I ask, "What's going on?"

It's silent for a moment before Davey answers. "They never came back from selling today."

"What- What do you mean?"

"We thought you might have found them on your way home," Davey sits back down.

"No, I never saw them. What's this all about?" I ask, my voice rising.

One of the boys speaks up, "We think they might have been taken to the Refuge."

I curse under my breath. "Where's Cruthie? Lucky? Les?"

"Crutchie's upstairs sleeping," Davey says with a weak smile. "I finally got him to fall asleep just a little while ago, and same with Lucky. I walked Les home and came back, so he's with our parents."

I must have looked dazed because Davey places his hand on my shoulder. "I think all we can do for now is get some sleep."

"No," I turn around to the door. "I'm going to get them out. She can't be there. She-"

Davey catches my shoulder. "Jack."

"She-" I start again.

"Jack," he repeats, his eyes solid.

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