11 - Restrictions

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So, Jack's restrictions are a lot harder than I expected. It feels like he's always around, and I'm constantly looking over my shoulder just to hug Race.

"Race, I don't know if I can do this. I just want to spend the night with you," I pout.

"I know, (Y/N), but if Jack thinks we do good tomorrow, then we can spend the night together," he takes a piece of hair out of my face.

"Fine, goodnight," I say, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek.

"Okay, you two," Crutchie tells us, "Race, go to your bunk."

Race hugs me one last time and leaves to sleep.

"(Y/N)?" Crutchie lowers his voice.

"Yeah? What's up?" I ask.

"I need more tips on getting closer to Davey," he whispers to me.


"Oh, yeah. That's what you called it."

"Crutchie, I think you should just tell him you like him," I laugh.

"No! I can't do that!"

"Why? I'm pretty sure he likes you back," I shrug.

"Well," he trails off, his eyes flicking toward the floor.

"Crutchie, if you're scared, you're going to have to get over it," I tell him.

"What? No! Okay, maybe I am a little nervous," he admits.

"Crutchie, you're one of the cutest and sweetest guys I know. I don't see how anyone could not like you."

"Well, clearly I'm after Race," he argues.

"Crutchie, I can't have a crush on a gay guy," I tell him, laughing a little.

"True. Okay, well, how will I tell him?" he asks.

"Here's my idea. When you guys are walking home from selling together, tell him. It's a good time, and you'll already be talking," I suggest.

"I can't wait all day," he says, exasperated.

"Fine, then tell him when you're going out to your selling spot," I suggest.

"But what if he doesn't like me back and the rest of the day is weird?"

"Crutchie! Look, there is really no perfect time to tell someone your crush, okay? So you're gonna have to just take a leap of faith," I tell him.



"But you and Race," he starts.

"Race and I have the most complicated relationship that started with me getting beat up and is now under limits because of Jack. We're not the best model, but everything will be fine with you and Davey."

"Everything won't be fine if he doesn't like me!"

"Stop worrying about that. Just take a leap of faith tomorrow and tell him."

"Okay. Can I stay with you tonight?" he asks.

"You have to ask my boyfriend about that one," I smile and wink.

"Oh, right. Well, I'll be on the roof with Jack."

"Okay, goodnight."

"Goodnight," he says as he hobbles away.

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