6 - Flirting?

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I get woken up by violently being shaken by Crutchie.

"What, Crutchie?" I ask.

"Jack!" he whisper-yells at me.

"Oh, shoot, right," I say, remembering that Race is sleeping nest to me. I turn over and wake him up.

"Race, get up. Jack!" I tell him.

"What? Oh, dang, right, Jack, okay," he says as he rolls out of the bed. I laugh when he falls off the bed.

"Hey, don't laugh at me!" he says.

"Sorry, but you're really cute there," I say, laughing.

"Really, you think?" he says to me. I can tell he's trying to hide the excitement in his eyes.

"Alright, you two. (Y/N), unless you think Race would be cute with a black eye, I suggest you make it look like you didn't sleep with him last night," Crutchie says, throwing glances between the two of us.

"Yeah, that," I snap out of looking Race.

"Right, I'll go to my bed," Race says, and he walks away. I start to get up, but then get reminded I can't by the shooting pain in my side and ankle.

"You're staying here today, (Y/N). Don't try and go anywhere," Jack says to me as he walks into our room.

"Jackie, I'm fine," I tell him. That's kind of a lie.

"Nope, still staying here today," he tells me.

"Fine, but I'm selling tomorrow," I sit up.

"We'll see about that one," he winks, going to wake the other boys up.


Lying there for the rest of the day, thoughts about Race keep coming back into my head. I realize that I want to see him again, and I flashback to last night.

The door opens, and I sit up, brushing my hair a little. It's Davey. I relax again.

He walks in, but his face is dull and unexcited. Once the door is closed, his face changes. He sits on the end of the bed, starting up. "Are you okay?"

"I guess. I mean, I feel better than last night," I tell him.

"Hey, about the other day, I wanted to explain why I didn't sell with you. That night I told Jack that I liked you. That it wasn't Race, it was me. He got pretty mad, saying that we couldn't sell together anymore. I had to keep it up, so Jack didn't get to Race or anything. I did it for you."

"Really?" I almost couldn't believe he would do that for me.

"Yeah. Of course," he tells me.

"Thank you," my voice sounds shocked.

"Are things working out with him? Is he treating you right?" he asks me. His fingers twist around themselves, and I remember what he told me when I first asked about Race. "Being an older brother, I don't even want Race around Les that much. He's addicted to gambling and tobacco, not the guy you want to be dating or whatever."

"Yeah. Things are working out great actually," I say, smiling with memories of last night resurfacing again.

He smiles uneasily and throws a glance at the door. "Good, well, I'll see you later." He runs into Crutchie on the way out, and Crutchie stumbles over a little bit.

"Oh, sorry!" they both say at the same time. Davey helps him up, and they stand there for a minute, just looking at each other.

"Um, guys?" I say from my bed.

They snap out of it and go their separate ways. Crutchie comes in, Davey leaves.

"(Y/N), can I tell you something?" Crutchie asks me nervously.

"Yeah, anything," I nod.

"I think I like Davey, beyond as a friend," he says quietly.

"Really? I mean, that's great. I mean, cool," I fumble, mentally facepalming. How do I respond to him telling me his crush?

"I was wondering if you knew how to help me get closer to him and stuff. I mean youse being a girl and all."

"You're asking me how you can flirt with Davey?" I say.

"Is that what you call it? I just thought you, being a girl, would have an idea of how these things worked. Also, you being with Race, maybe gave you an idea."

"Crutchie, I would love to teach you how to flirt with Davey. And note, I would be offended on a normal basis because of you judging me based on my being a girl."

"Oh, sorry. I just- I don't know if he's gay or bi or anything."

"Oh, Crutchie, he is so bi. You didn't know?" I laugh

"Oh, really? Okay!" his eyes are bright.

"Yeah! Okay, for flirting, who did you sell with today?" I ask as a formality. I already know the answer.

"Your brother, why?" his brow furrows.

"Well, it's a long story, but Jack won't let Davey sell with me. So, he needs a partner."

"Why does Jack need a partner? I'm right here?" Crutchie asks.

"No," I laugh, "Davey needs a partner."

"Oh! And that could be me!" His confused look gets replaced with bright eyes again.

"There we go, exactly."

"But what about Jack? Will he be okay with it?"

"If my brother isn't okay with you guys selling together, we'll be talking," I promise.

"Thanks, (Y/N)."

"No problem," I tell him, "Happy to help."

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