9 - A Girl Lecture

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Jack's POV

I explain the whole story to Katherine. Everything about Oscar soaking (Y/N), Davey lying, Race and my sister dating, everything.

"Jack, you have to let her date who she wants." Katherine says immediately.

"But, Racetrack?" I argue.

"Hey, just saying, I get it. He's kinda cute," Katherine says to me.


"Sorry. Okay. Do you need a girls point of view lecture?" she questions me.

"No, I give the lectures," I reply.

"As I told you before, being boss doesn't mean you have all the answers," she tells me.

"Oh, don't go there," I say.

"Oh, I so will. Now, here's your girl lecture," she proceeds, "(Y/N) is fifteen."

"When did she grow up so much? I remember when she was only eight and we started as newsies," I think about when our mom died and watching my dad work hard for nothing.

Katherine continues, "Jack you sound like a dad. Kind of cute but not the time. Anyways, she should be able to date who she wants. I know you're protective of her since you guys lost your parents, but you really don't have to be so uptight. Race is admittedly not the ideal boyfriend, but I think he'll treat her well."

"He's addicted to smoking and gambling, Katherine," I deadpan.

"Yes, I know that," she sighs, "But I think you should give him a chance. I can see him having a caring side, and I've seen bits of it."

I glare daggers at her, but she just starts laughing.

"Jack, you should at least give him a chance to prove himself."

"Fine, maybe. But there will be boundaries."

"And, that's okay, but you have to let them try it," she says.

"Fine," I say.

Katherine smiles and sits down next to me, leaning into me.

"Thank you for the advice," I say, stroking her hair.

"You're welcome," she says. 

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