23 - Worries

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Race and I wake up to the sound of Davey and Crutchie disagreeing.

"You've got to sell today," Davey says, level toned.

"No, I don't," Crutchie says.

"What's this about?" Davey asks.

"You won't care if I tell you," Crutchie whispers.

"Oh, that's a ridiculous reason. You know I will. Why do you not want to sell?" Davey says.

"Snyder," Crutchie whispers, barely audible.

It takes Davey a second to respond. "He's not going to take you again, I promise."

"How can you promise that?! You have no idea what will happen, and with my leg the way it is, there is a very real chance that he will take me again!" Crutchie raises his voice, his eyes watering.

"Fine, you're right. He could take you back to the Refuge," Davey admits.

"Exactly. I'm not selling today," Crutchie responds.

"But! You can't just not sell because of that possibility. You can't hide out in the Lodging House forever," Davey says.

"I think I can," Crutchie mutters.

"Come on," Davey says with a stern look.

"Okay! Okay! I'll sell today, but on one condition," he says.

"What?" Davey asks.

"You promise to stay with me the whole time," Crutchie says.

"I promise," Davey hugs him. "Now. We've got a big day of selling to prepare for."


Jack's POV

"Hey," Katherine says, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Hey, Kath," I say.

"Hi, Katherine!" Lucky pipes up.

"Hi to you too, little one. You sell well today?" Katherine asks, unwrapping herself from me and bending down to Lucky's level.

"Yep! You write well today?" Lucky asks, beaming.

"Yep," Katherine says with a laugh. "You ready to go, Jack?" She turns to me.

"Yeah. I'm gonna pass Lucky off to Davey and Crutchie here in a second. They're gonna meet us here," I say.

"Awesome," she says.

"Hey!" Davey calls, walking towards us.

"Hi!" Lucky waves.

"You two going out tonight?" Crutchie asks Katherine and me.

"Yeah," she responds.

"Have fun. Lucky, we're gonna head back to the Lodging House now, you ready?" Davey asks.

"Yeah! Let's go, bruddas," she says, imitating us.

Full of laughs, the three of them head off.

"Hey, you okay? You seem kind of distant," Katherine takes my hand.

"I've just got a lot going on. Apparently Lucky is having nightmares, my trust in Racetrack is wrecked after the stunt he pulled the other night, and I learned last night that Snyder's out of jail and back to running the Refuge," I say, letting the mask crumble.

"Oh, Jack," Katherine says.

"I'm not worried about myself, that's not it. I'm worried about (Y/N). I'm worried about Lucky. I'm worried about all of the boys, especially Crutchie," I start to walk.

"I know how much you care about them," Katherine says. "And, I'm going to do everything I can to get the Refuge shut back down. I promise."

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