12 - Love

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"Get up (Y/N)!"

"Race, I'm too tired," I roll over.

"But it's time to carry the banner, darling."

"Fine, but only for you," I grumble as I get up and hug him, nuzzling my head into his neck.

"Goodmorning," he whispers in my ear.

"Get moving, you two," Jack calls from across the room.

"Oh, fine," I say.

"Right, sorry," Race says, ducking his head.

"Jackie, you have to let up a little. We've been following most of your rules," I say when Race leaves.

"(Y/N), we've already talked about this, and you both agreed to my rules," he sighs, "But, I've been thinking about letting up on the restrictions a little bit."

"Really? Thank you!" I smile from ear to ear.

"Don't get too excited. It would only be a little," he rolls his eyes.

"I'll still take it," I wink at Jack before going to fund Race.


"How many, girl?" Oscar asks me in an accusing tone. I lower my head, the memory of pain coming back to me.

"Oscar, don't mess with my girlfriend," Race pipes up from behind me and wrapping a protective arm around me. Oscar shuts up.

"Fifty," I say getting us back on track. I slide over my money and take my papers.

Race gets his papers and joins me. "You good? Ready to get going?"

"Yeah, yeah, let's go," I answer, and he holds my hand.

Jack sees us going and calls, "Be good now!"

"We will!" Race calls back over his shoulder.


Race and I get back to the lodging house, and Jack is waiting for us. He looks stern, so I slip my hand out of Race's nervously.

"Oh, put your hand back, (Y/N). I want to talk about letting up the restrictions," Jack says.

I put my hand back in Race's and squeeze it a little. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I can't help myself.

"I'm going to let you guys stay the night with each other, and I'm going to let you do more around the Lodging House too," he says.

A smile flushes across my face and I pull Race into a hug.

"I'm warning you though, Higgins, if you try anything with my sister, you two will never spend time together again," Jack tells him.

"Got it," Race nods. The door opens behind us, and it's Davey and Crutchie. I can tell immediately that our plan worked based on their smiles.

"Hey, you two," Jack greets them, totally oblivious to why Crutchie and Davey looked so happy.

"Hey, Jack. Is Les back yet?" Davey asks, grinning like an idiot.

"Yeah, he's upstairs," Jack answers.

Davey gives Crutchie a quick kiss on the forehead and goes off to find Les. Jack gives Crutchie a bewildered look, and Crutchie bursts open with excitement once Davey leaves.

"When did this happen?" Jack asks, confused but smiling.

"Today, thanks to (Y/N)," Crutchie starts giggling.

Davey comes back with Les and flashes Crutchie a smile before leaving. Jack watches all of this with his mouth open until he regains himself. "Race and (Y/N), be good tonight, and Crutchie, meet me on the roof in a minute."

"Thanks," Crutchie says and gives me a high five before following Jack.

"Nice, (Y/N), you set those two up?" Race says from beside me.

"Yep," I say. I kiss him, and we go to the bunks. We get ready for bed and once most of the other boys go to bed, I go over to Race's bunk.

I slip under the covers with him and he wraps his arm around my waist. We relax in each other's comfort, and I fall asleep to his smell and presence.

For the first time, thoughts of love cross my mind. The way he holds me and laughs with me and smiles through his eyes when he looks at me get my heart swimming.

Maybe I love this boy.

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