20 - Crutchie and Davey

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Crutchie's POV

"Crutchie!" I hear Davey calling from the gate.

"Hey," I say, making my way towards him and Les with Lucky by my side.

"Sleep alright?" Davey asks.

"Yeah, alright," I say unconvincingly.

Davey raises his eyebrows. "No nightmares?"

"Okay, yeah. But they'se weren't that bad this time. Promise," I say.

"You know," I cut him off.

"I should really tell Jack, maybe he could help," I imitate him. "Yeah. I know, I know."

"You know I just wish I could be there for you when they're bad," Davey says earnestly.

"Brother?" Lucky says quietly. "What do you have nightmares about? Do you have them about your parents too?" she asks.

Davey and I give each other a look, taking concern with what she mentioned about her parents before I turn to her and say, "I have them about the refuge."

"What's that?" she asks curiously.

"A place that we don't have to worry about anymore! Because Snyder is in jail, right, Davey? So, everything's okay! And now, we need to get our papers," Les swiftly wraps up the conversation, reading the expression on his brother's face and taking Lucky's hand and leading her off.

"Should we tell Jack?" Davey says out of the corner of his mouth, following the smaller pair into the line for papers.

"Not sure. Maybe?" I answer in the same fashion.

Davey looks up and down the line with a confused look.

"Where are (Y/N) and Racetrack?" he asks.

"Oh yeah," I mentally facepalm. "So... There was a whole thing."

"What do you mean?" he questions.

"You know how I told you yesterday that the two of them couldn't see each other for the week because they messed around during work?"

"Yeah," he says.

"Yeah, well... Race got drunk, came home, and almost hit (Y/N)," I blurt.

"What?!" Davey asks, surprised.

"Yep. Then, Jack punched him in the nose. Then, this morning, (Y/N) and Race talked about it and everything was okay again. At least, that's what I took from finding them kissing outside the Lodging House." I say as we grow closer to the paper window.

"Man. I really miss out on a lot not staying at the Lodging House. And, how's Jack doing with all of this?" Davey says.

"Actually, I'm not sure. He talked to (Y/N) right after it happened and seemed pretty torn up the rest of the night, but I didn't talk to him this morning, so I'm not sure," I say.

"Huh. Well, that could be worse," Davey shrugs.

"How many papes?" Morris barks, making me shrink back. I try to disguise it, but Davey notices, placing a defensive hand on the small of my back.

"Fifty for both of us, please," Davey says. Oscar scoffs at the please, but hands over the papers, holding out his hand for the money.

I start to fumble in my pocket, but Davey beats me to it, giving Oscar the 55 cents.

"You didn't have to pay for my papers," I say.

"My treat," he says, kissing me.

I turn red, looking away from him.

"Hey, you lovebirds! You'se gonna get a move on or what?" Jack teases us, clapping Davey on the back and starting to walk away.

"Wait up a second, will you?" Davey asks, and Jack turns around, still moving forward.

"What's up?" Jack asks nonchalantly.

"It's about Lucky," Davey says, looking at me.

"We think she's having nightmares," I say.

Jack stops in his tracks. "Really? Why?"

"Well, I-, umm," I turn into a stuttering mess, knowing that if I tell him the story, he'll know about my nightmares.

"The two of us," Davey gestures to himself and I, "were talking to Les and Lucky this morning about sleeping well while we were waiting at the gate, and she mentioned that she didn't sleep very well because of nightmares about her parents."

Jack curses under his breath. "Okay, thanks. Maybe I'll bring it up with her."

"Maybe I could be there when you do? She's seemed comfortable around me lately," I volunteer.

"Sure, bud. You are her brother," he gives me a wink, and I let out a laugh. Jack goes on his way, and I turn to Davey.

"Always quick on your feet with a lie for Jack, aren't you?" I tease him.

"That does seem to be the case, doesn't it," Davey says. "Now, are you ready to sell some papes?"

"Yep! You?" I say.

"Always," he says, giving me a little kiss.

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