15 - Something's Off

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(Trigger warning - there are discussions of child abuse)

Race and I are walking back to the Lodging House holding hands while he whistles after a long day of selling. My mind had been working all day, trying to figure out what to do about Emma, and I had come up blank all day.

Jack opens the door to the Lodging House, welcoming us as we walk in. "You two did alright today?" he asks.

"Yep, just fine," I respond. Taking the cue from Jack's glance, Race continues upstairs. I start to follow him, but Jack grabs my wrist to stop me.

"Hey, about the girl," he says. "I noticed something about her today."

"What? Was it something bad?" I ask.

"Well, maybe. She had all these bruises on her back and arms and stuff. I don't what they'se from, but it doesn't seem good," he tells me.

"Maybe I'll talk to her about it," I offer.

"No, don't. When I tried to ask her, she just panicked and nearly ran away," he says.

"Then I won't talk to her about it. What should I do, though?" I ask.

"I'm not sure yet. Just keep a gentle eye on her, okay?" Jack asks me, his brotherly instincts kicking in.

"Sure, no problem!" I walk upstairs and flop onto Race's bunk with a sigh.

"You good?" he asks.

"Maybe. What would you do if you saw a nervous kid covered in bruises?" I ask him, staring at the bottom of the bunk above us.

"Umm, where is this coming from? But, I would ask about their parents. You know about mine and everything," he trails off.

"I-I'm sorry for not thinking of that- and you- and," I stutter.

"Hah, no, it's fine. Why are you asking though?" he comforts me.

"Jack mentioned Emma having bruises on her, but she panicked when he mentioned it," I say.

"If that's the case, then you have to try and talk to her," he says.

"But what if-" I start.

"(Y/N)," he says sternly.

"Okay, okay," I say.


"Hey, Emma. Can we talk for a second?" I ask gently, trying to be as warm as possible. 

"S-sure," she responds.

"So, my brother mentioned that today he saw," I start.

She cuts me off in a small tone, "Some of my bruises. Yeah, he asked me about them."

"Well, I just wanted to make sure that you're okay," I place my hand on her leg. "Everything is fine where you came from?"

"No," she states, avoiding eye contact.

"What's wrong," I felt like I was prying.

"They hit me a lot," she keeps looking at her lap.

"Who? Your parents?"

"Yes," she makes eye contact with me, and I can see the fear in her eyes. "Are you going to make me go back to them?"

"N-No. Not if they hit you. But, you can't stay with us forever," I say.

"Why?" she asks. This kid is the master of one-word answers.

"Well, you're really little, and there might be a better place for youse to go," I try, knowing it's a bad answer.

"But you grew up here, didn't you?" she asks.

"I - Yeah, I did, but I had my brother," I say.

"Can Crutchie be my brother? He seems nice," she asks innocently.

I laugh, "I think youse would have to ask him about that one, kiddo."

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