Chapter 15- I convince a stubborn god to help me

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Author's note: Hi! Chapter 16 is going to be kinda long, so I didn't want to merge it into this chapter. Sorry about how short this chapter is. Happy reading!


"I'm sorry, what?"

Loki gawked at me, clearly unsure of what to think. 

"I need to get to Malus. My father is planning something. You're the only person here who'll allow me to go there," I said. 

"I understand that much. Why do you need to go there?" Loki asked suspiciously.

"I just told you, he's planning something," I explained impatiently. 

"Too sketchy. I won't help you," He declared firmly, folding his arms. "You'll have to try a lot harder than that,"

I sighed. I wasn't planning on bringing up what Tony said, but I knew it was my selling point. 

"His plan includes you," I said softly.



"Double no. I'm not going anywhere, especially not if I'm wanted there,"

Or not. I needed a new selling point. And fast.

"Please, please, you have no idea how much this means to me!" I begged. He laughed in my face.

"Your pathetic pleas mean nothing to me, Ms. Wilder. You cannot convince me to do this. Besides, it'll benefit both of us. You won't get in trouble. I won't go back to Asgard early,"

"I thought you told me that if I wanted to go back to Malus, I'd have to get there myself,"

He sighed and tossed me an amused glare. "You're clever, Ms. Wilder, but guilt-tripping me won't work,"

"Will it? I've convinced stubborn people to help me before, and you aren't the toughest of them," 

"Really?" he asked. He was toying with me now, seeing how far I'd go to get him to help.

Alright then. We can play this game. 

"Fine, I give up," I put my hands up in surrender. "What must I do to convince you?"

He chuckled and sat down on one of his armchairs. "Nothing. You can't convince me to leave here,"

"Nothing is impossible," I reminded him, putting down my hands and approaching him. "Give me some ideas. Anything you want. Well... except let you out. Though I guess I'm already doing that,"

He grinned up at me, shaking his head. "You aren't allowed to give me everything that I want,"

"What is it that you want?" I asked, pulling up a chair and sitting beside him.

He studied me, looking me up and down. Our eyes met, and he held out his gloved hands.

"Take these off," he ordered.

I stared at them, fighting with myself. If I took them off, he could betray me in a second, but if I didn't, he wouldn't help me, and he was my last hope...

I slowly reached out and removed the gloves from his hands. It was simple, really. The gloves were normal, except they couldn't be removed by the fabrics of the glove itself. This means if he tried to take them off by himself, the gloves wouldn't let him. They could only be pulled off by another person. The gloves had to sense a fingerprint that wasn't his before they came off. Don't worry, I was confused when Tony explained it to me, too. You aren't alone. 

He did not move his gaze as the gloves slipped off his hands. He stretched his fingers, as though they'd been numb ever since he put the gloves on.

"You must be truly desperate, Ms. Wilder," he whispered.

"If we're being completely honest, I am," I replied. "Now will you help me?"

"No," he said. "Not until you promise me something,"

I gulped. "Okay..."

"Swear to me," he began, "That no matter what happens, you will see to it that I am not sent back to the dungeons on Asgard, and you will do everything in your power to keep me here,"

I stiffened. If I did that, I'd be promising to keep him at the tower. Forever. Or at least until I leave or move out. Or until one of us dies. 

But if I go to Malus, I'll become queen, right? I'll reclaim my throne? So I won't have to deal with him. I won't even have to keep my word.

"I sw-"

"No, no, not yet. Take my hand. When you swear to me, you'll be locking it to your life force. You betray your word, and you'll die. Understood?"

I gulped and reluctantly took his hand. He grinned and looked me in the eyes. 

"Do you, Ava Wilder, swear to see to it that I am not sent back to the dungeons on Asgard?" he prompted.

"I swear," I whispered.

"Do you swear that no matter what happens, you will do everything in your power to keep me away from there?"

"I swear,"

Our intertwined hands glowed a dull green. Once the light had burned out, Loki removed his hand from mine.

"Good," he said. "When do we leave?"

"Right now," I stated.


It wasn't too hard getting past the Avengers. I made Loki put the gloves back on, and lead him out onto the roof. 

"How are you going to do this?" I asked.

"I don't know if he'll respond to me," Loki mused, "But it's worth a shot,"

With a quick sweeping motion, Loki pulled me into some sort of embrace. "Don't fight it or you'll fall out," he said as I awkwardly tried to pull back. I stopped once he said this.

"Heimdall," Loki announced, "Open the Bifrost,"

In a strong flash, I was lifted off my feet and was sent shooting towards the sky.

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now