Chapter 3- I get the best(worst) job ever

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After about 5 hours of watching a movie marathon with Clint and Natasha, Tony finally walked back into the living room. 

"Hey, Ava, could I speak with you? Do you have the time? I mean, that's a really good movie, but I was just wondering-"

"Yep, I'm available right now. What do you need?" I asked, getting up from the couch. Immediately, Clint and Natasha reached out to steal my bowl of popcorn, which I let them fight over as I exited the room with Tony.

He led me down the hall and down the stairs to his lab, where he had a bunch of facts projected in the air. 

"So, here's what I've been looking at," he began, enlarging the projections. They looked like giant, transparent ID cards.

Hold up. They were giant, transparent ID cards.

"So, while I was looking into who'd be best to babysit Rudolph-" 

I chuckled a bit. He waited for me to finish before continuing. 

"Anyway, I was looking into who'd be best for the job, and I found that myself, Romanoff, and Rogers are our best bet. But then I got to your profile, and I put you into the picture. Here's why,"

He made his own ID card large enough for me to read. It had his full name on there, along with a picture and some other data.

"I can keep him held down if he tries to escape, but I can only do so with the suit on, and I don't want to be carrying it around 24/7. Besides, I'm usually down here working, so I won't be able to keep an eye on him."

He swiped to the left, and Natasha's ID came into view. 

"On the other hand, we have a dangerous assassin here who can take him down no matter where he is or what he's doing. However, with her also being as busy as I am working with SHIELD, I doubt that she'll have the time to keep a close eye on him, which leaves you and Rogers."

He swiped left again, and Steve's ID enlarged itself. 

"We have a supersoldier who, like Romanoff, can take him down wherever and whenever. However, he doesn't always have his shield on him, so if he's in a corner with nowhere else to turn, he may not be our best option. Besides, he's as busy as Romanoff. This leaves you."

He swiped left once more, and my ID popped up.

"You may not be as trained as we'd like, but you know how to cast a spell. You aren't as busy as all of us, and you'd have more time to keep an eye on him. You're mad dangerous, and besides, he doesn't know you like he knows us. Barton didn't know you when Loki was asking for our weaknesses, so he knows close to nothing about you. I can't see a more perfect fit, honestly."

I wasn't sure if I was honored or annoyed. 

"So you're making me the babysitter?!" I asked. 

"...basically, yeah. Don't worry, you'll do great, and besides, that way you get to annoy the crap out of him. You'll have full control over when he as his little muzzle on and when he's locked in his room. Thor will most likely help you."

Having full control over a intergalactic criminal sounded a bit fun, I couldn't deny that. "Alright. I guess I'm not allowed to protest, am I?"

"Don't worry about it, kid, you'll do great," Tony reassured me. "It'll already be a shock to him, figuring out that he won't be the only sorcerer here."

I sighed. "That's what I was afraid of,"


"I feel bad," Clint said after I told him everything. "Maybe I'll help you out every once in a while, give the man some torment."

"Yeah, tell us if he's causing you stress, we can fix that up real quick," Natasha added, throwing me a wink. 

I laughed and settled back into the couch as they turned the movie back on. 

"Thanks, guys," I replied. Not soon after, I was being dragged back into the thrilling events of the movie.

Nearly 2 hours later, the time read 3:14, and we'd finished our marathon. With nothing better left to do, I walked up to the roof and sat on the edge of the tower. Not the safest option, but on the plus side, dead people don't have to keep an eye on Loki.

I closed my eyes as the wind blew into my face, blowing my hair back. I'd taken it out of it's bun for the movie, and I didn't see a point in putting it back in. Besides, my hair looked better when it wasn't tied back. 

"Whatcha doing up here?"

I turned at the sound of Bruce's soft voice. "Hey, Bruce,"

"Hi," he replied, sitting down beside me. "What're you doing out here, all by yourself?"

"Just getting some fresh air, I guess. Spending my last hours of freedom before it's taken over by the God of Mischief," 

"What do you mean by that?"

"Tony's making me his babysitter,"

Bruce's eyebrows raised. "Really?"

"Yup," I grumbled.

"Yikes, I'm sorry."

"No, no, don't be. I'll be able to kick him off the side of the roof if I have to," I laughed. Bruce chuckled quietly. 

"I don't know how I feel about you being in charge of Loki," Bruce stated. "You're a great fighter and all, but you've never seen him in action. You don't know how he lies and deceives people,"

"He doesn't know anything about me. That was kinda Tony's selling point. He told me that since he barely knows me, it'll be harder for him to figure out what my weaknesses are," I explained.

"Okay, sure, but still, what if he gains your trust and betrays you? You can never be prepared for that,"

"Then I'll never trust him. The problem with being a guard is that you can't trust them at all. You can't believe a word they say, you always have to be suspicious, and you can't let them truly know you. I can do that, though. I don't see that as an issue for me. Whether or not I like it, Tony was right. I am his best bet for the job,"

"But what if you can't?" Bruce asked quietly. "I don't mean to be rude, but what if you aren't ready? What if you end up trusting him, because you're a really nice person, and you wind up getting hurt? All I'm saying is... I just want to make sure you're safe."

I gave a small smile at the ground, which was hundreds of feet down. "Thank you for your concern, Bruce. I think I'll be alright. I have you guys for help if I need it. If things go south, he goes back to Asgard. I'm confident that no matter what happens, we'll be able to fight it."

Bruce smiled at me. "I love your optimism, Ava."

I smiled in return. "Thanks,"

"How about we head on inside for some supper?"

"It's only 3:24!" 

"Something tells me Romanoff wants to train you tonight, so the team is eating early today. Besides, we have a big day tomorrow,"

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