Chapter 9- I halt an argument

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The next morning, I awoke to my door being smacked by someone's knuckles.

"Ava! Thor's finally returned. And get UP, sleepy. It's 9:45!"

I recognized the voice coming from outside my door to be Clint's. I groaned as I sat up. Loki's words had haunted me the entire night, so in analyzing them, I hadn't gotten much rest.

"Coming!" I grumbled, forcing myself to roll out of bed. Pulling on black, skin-tight jeans and a green sweater, I fumbled for the handle of my hairbrush. It was in my drawer somewhere...

My hand hit something plastic and square-shaped. I picked it up to find a small box, one that the kind old lady's son had given me for Christmas one year. I opened it up to find a pretty, silver bracelet. It was small and read Ava Wilder. I grinned and put it on.

He'd come up with my name. When I told the kind old lady that I couldn't remember my original name, she told me to take her surname and come up with my own first name. I couldn't find a name that I liked, so I asked her son for advice. He took one look at me and told me that I looked like an "Ava". The name stuck.

"AVA!" Clint yelled through the door.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming!" I replied, snatching up my brush, pulling it through my hair a couple of times, then throwing down my brush and pulling my hair back into a low bun as I hurried to my bedroom door, hitting the button that opened it with my knee.

"It's about time, sleepy, Thor's finally came back! And... uh... you need to stay in the living room." Clint said, both annoyed and looking a bit nervous.

"Why?" I asked, stepping out of my room and heading down the hallway, JARVIS closing my door behind me.

"Y- you'll know when you see it," Clint said.

We took the long hallway to the living room, and once I took a peek around the corner, I wanted to run back to bed and pretend that I was still asleep.

Loki sat on our couch, having a hushed argument with his brother, Thor.

Now I knew why I had to stay in the living room.

My jaw clenched. I avoided eye contact with Loki as I followed Clint into the near-empty living room.

"Is something wrong?" Clint asked, his question directed at Thor. He seemed about as happy as I was and he actively refused to return Loki's annoyed gaze at him.

"Not particularly. Loki here is just acting stubborn," Thor said, nudging his brother playfully. Loki shot him a look. Thor gave up and looked up at me, grinning. "Good morning, Ava,"

"Good morning," I replied pleasantly, following Clint's lead and avoiding eye contact with Loki.

"Sorry that I was gone so long. Time passes a bit differently from place to place. To me, I've only been gone for a couple of hours," Thor explained.

"Well, to us, it's been almost 24 hours, in case you haven't been informed yet," I told him.

"Oh, yes, and speaking of informing people, Loki was just telling me how you-"


Everyone turned to look at Loki, whose speaking surprised us all.

"Brother, perhaps you should rather be telling them what you did with Heimdall," Loki suggested harshly.

"I disagree," Clint snapped. "I'd love to hear whatever Thor was about to say,"

"GUYS! Chill out, alright? We don't need to start fights." I said, raising my voice. "Thor can talk about whatever he wants. It's a free country,"

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now