Chapter 8- I stargaze with the god of mischief

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Author's note: Hi! I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate the person who has been voting on some of my chapters. I'm so happy that you're here to support me as I write this story. Thanks, also, to the real ones who are still here with me, reading the story. I know the first chapter was a bit strange... it'll make sense eventually, I promise. I have a plan in mind for you all, don't worry. Thank you all for the support! 

Love, A.J.M


It wasn't too hard, getting out of there. 

Actually, it wasn't hard at all. It was fairly easy if I do say so myself. 

I'd shoved him away from me. He looked almost shocked after I did so, and watched, silently, as I told him "I'll be seeing you in a couple of hours" and left.

The hard part was explaining to Pepper what happened. 


I angrily closed and locked the door behind me, spinning around to come face to face with Pepper Potts, who immediately grabbed my arm and started dragging me down the hall, towards the elevator.

"M-Ms. Potts?" I asked as she yanked me inside and hit the button that read "Tony's Lab". 

"I'm taking you to see Tony, Ava. You are not going to see that man again," she told me a bit harshly, scolding me as though I were her child. 

"Wha- why?" I asked, fear starting to build up in my stomach.

"I heard what happened in there. What was he doing to you? Why was he saying those things?!" Pepper demanded, her face turning slightly red. "Oh, lord, did he hurt you? Did he hit you?"

I quickly realized that she'd accidentally heard Loki talking. "Th- that was my fault, I aggravated him-"

"Don't you go STANDING UP for him! I heard what he said! I'm taking you to Tony, I'll let him pick a new watch person-"

"NO!" I exclaimed. "Ms. Potts, please, no!"

"I'm not arguing with you, I'm not going to stand by and listen to him talk to you like that!" she yelled. "Did he attack you, Ava?! What did he say that's making you stand up for him?! Did he threaten you?!"

"I'm not standing up for him!" I pleaded, clasping my hands together. "Please, I'm the only one here who doesn't work all the time! I'm the only one who can keep an eye on him! I aggravated him, so naturally, he lashed out! He didn't even touch me, Ms. Potts, please don't tell Tony!"

Pepper stared at me, clearly fighting a battle against herself in her mind. Finally, she sighed. 

"What did you say to aggravate him?" 

"I asked him why he attacked New York. When he didn't respond, I got mad and told him that he was a monster,"

Pepper sighed once again. Once I thought that she was slightly more calmed, she proved me wrong.

"WHY WOULD YOU PROVOKE HIM?! He'll take any chance he has to get you out of his way so he can escape! God, I told Thor that this was a bad idea. I'd send him back to Asgard right this very minute if Thor were still here!"

Deciding to save my questions about Thor's absence until a better time, I simply whispered, "I know. I was foolish. He was just annoying me, and I was getting mad... he hasn't usually spoken to me like that before, he didn't earlier today... I wish you hadn't heard that, I don't want you to worry about me..."

Pepper let go of my arm and brushed my hair back out of my face. "You know what? Fine. I'll let you go this time. But if I hear anything, and I mean anything like that come out of his mouth again, I'm telling Tony. Alright?"

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