Chapter 21- I come cleaner than Clorox

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Author's note: The title has no relevance whatsoever to the content of this chapter, I just really wanted to set it as the title. Sorry, not sorry. Enjoy your Clorox. 


When we finally managed to stand, it was around 4 pm. From there, we used the elevator in the penthouse to go downstairs, blushing and grinning the entire time. 

I was leading Loki down the hall to his room when I heard an Avenger call at me.

"Hey, Ava, where were you?" 

I spun around to see Tony Stark, who looked mildly suspicious. 

"Hi, Tony-" I began.

"And why do you look so flushed? What were you doing, making out up there?"

I almost told him that we actually had been, then decided against it. 

"I take it that was rhetorical. We were up on the roof. Er, I was. He has to come with me," I answered.

Tony nodded, clearly unconvinced. "Don't forget, we're having our meeting about him tomorrow. And, hopefully, relieving you of your duties,"

I nodded and started down the hall again, fear eating at my stomach. Would I be able to convince them if they were so ready to get rid of him?

Loki noticed my worry and nudged me softly. "I'll be alright, you know,"

"Maybe," was all I managed to reply with.

"I will, really! I'm not as weak as you think,"

I laughed. "You aren't weak,"

He glanced around to make sure nobody was in the hallway with us, then bent down and kissed the top of my head. 

"Mhmm, 'cause that's what you think,"

"I'm serious!" I exclaimed. "You managed to knock Bruce out,"

"I could've done that spell with those gloves on. Speaking of which," 

He took my hands in his, pulling the gloves off my hands.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"No, thank you, Ava," he said softly. As we approached the door to his room, I began to feel a bit sad.

"I was just- just thinking," I began softly, "about what might happen if I tell the others about what I swore... and I was thinking that if they knew... they might send you to a prison on Midgard,"

"Better than Asgard," he smirked.

"No, you don't understand, I don't want that!" I exclaimed. "I want you here!" 

He sighed and told JARVIS to lock the door to his room. 

"Look, Ava, I know that you probably think that you're in love with me, but we've barely developed a stable relationship. Perhaps if we split, you'd get the chance to see more people," he explained, hugging my waist. I threw my arms around his neck. 

"I don't want to see more people," I said defiantly. 

He chuckled softly, kissing my forehead. "I think it probable that you'll get over me the second I walk out,"

"No, I wouldn't!" I clung to him, afraid to let go. "I'd miss you,"

"Yeah, right," he joked, allowing me to kiss him on the lips after I'd rolled my eyes at him. 

"You don't need me," he told me quietly. "I've hurt you, I've tricked you, I've nearly killed you-"

I shut him up with another kiss.

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now