Chapter 5- I make an awful mistake

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When I got back to the living room, all eyes looked up at me.

"Where's Reindeer Games?" Tony asked suspiciously.

"In his room," I replied, sitting down next to Clint on the couch. 

"By himself?" Natasha questioned.

"With the door locked," I quickly added.

"Thank God," Clint sighed.

Silence took over the room again as Natasha and Steve went back to their game of battleship, Clint watching them. 

"Oh!" he suddenly said. "Tony wanted to talk to you. He's in his lab."

"Uh, alright. Great," I replied, and hurried off to find Tony.


Once I reached the glass door to Tony Stark's lab, I scanned my ID and walked in. He didn't look up as I entered. 

"If it isn't Minima De Spell. I need to talk to you,"

"I heard," 

"Great. Have a seat,"

I looked around, finding that it wasn't entirely obvious to me when it came to where he wanted to sit. I half sat down, half leaned against a table.

"No, no, not there. I've got some radioactive stuff there. You might want to move," 

I quickly removed myself from that table and leaned against the one next to it.

"So, I have some questions for you, if that's alright," he said, still refusing to remove his gaze from his project. 

"Oh, yeah, it's fine," I replied. "Fire away,"

Without a second thought, Tony spun around and fired his right repulser at the wall behind me. The blast caused a small explosion and sent bits of debris at me.

"NOT THAT KIND-" I exclaimed, shook up. "Not that kind of fire away."

"I'm aware. I just had to test that. Sorry," He returned his eyes to his project. "First question- are you okay with being Rudolph's babysitter? I guess I never really asked for your opinion."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I get it," I answered, wiping the debris off of my new suit.

"Great. Second question- do you have a schedule for him to follow? Like, when he can leave his room and whatnot?"

"N-no. Should I? That sounds like a good idea."

"Actually, now that I'm thinking about this, Thor wouldn't like that too much."

"Oh. I suppose you're right,"

"Yeah. And finally, how did he take being moved into his room?"

"He took it fine."

"Really? No fighting or any of that?"

"Nope, though he was immediately annoying once I took his muzzle off."

"Hold on, you what?" Tony set down his repulser and turned to look at me, his eyebrows raised.

"Should I not have taken it off?" I asked nervously.

"Now he won't want to get it back on," Tony pointed out. 

"If he talks, I'll tell him to shut it. If he doesn't, I'll muzzle him." I stated.

Tony snorted and turned back to his work. "Good luck with that."


I checked up on Loki five hours later to find him reading from his small bookshelf. He looked up when I entered, grinning.

"Well, if it isn't the Marine Sorceress. Welcome back," he said, setting down his book.

I froze on the threshold of his door. "How'd you-"

"Oh, your JARVIS is very helpful,"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Wilder," JARVIS said immediately. "Shall I rewrite the list of commands I am to obey?"

"Yes," I grumbled as I walked in, closing and locking the door behind me. I turned back to Loki. "Do you need anything?" 

"Not at the moment, no, though I would enjoy a glass of water,"

I told JARVIS to ask Ms. Potts for a glass of water.

"You won't get it yourself?" Loki asked, spreading his hands.

"No," I replied firmly.

"And why not?"

"Because I don't enjoy tending to a murderer's every need. The most I'll do for you is keep you out of trouble, and that's if I really want you to stay."

Loki's expression shifted to confusion. "I thought I was already here to stay,"

"Not if you slip up, no. In that case, we'll ship you back to Asgard faster than you can say "rotting in prison." No pun intended, obviously."

For the first time since I'd properly met him, Loki showed signs of fear.

"You haven't freed me of my duties quite yet, have you?" I asked, slightly disappointed when he shook his head and grinned again.

"Now, why would I do that? You've been of great assistance so far, Ava."

"You'll call me Ms. Wilder. We aren't anywhere close to first name standards." I snapped.

"Well, you're already my assistant," he said, clearly watching very closely for my reaction. He'd clearly said that solely to get on my nerves.

I wrinkled my nose, disgusted with him. "Your assistant, now, am I?"

"Well, you're tending to my needs, aren't you?"

"I'd prefer the term-"

"Ava, here's that water you asked for," Ms. Potts's voice came from outside the door. I quickly unlocked it and took it from her, thanking her. As I was about to turn and give it to Loki, I froze and thought better of it, instead placing the glass on his dresser.

"You'll want to save that glass because the water from the sink is drinkable. You could always refill it if you need to," I explained, my voice going back to being inhuman and JARVIS-like.

"Thank you, Ms. Wilder," Loki replied in an I told you so kind of voice.

I sighed, trying to hide my frustration. "You do notice that if it weren't for me, you'd be rotting away in a cell right now, right?"

Loki backed up, sitting down in a small chair next to his bookshelf. "Tell me more,"


I stopped myself after starting to explain. I didn't need him knowing how I stood on Thor's side yesterday, which was basically his side.

"No," I said flatly. "Would you like to join us for Supper, tonight, or stay in here? You won't be able to talk out there, just to let you know,"

"It's not like I'll be able to talk to anyone in here, either," he pointed out, still grinning mischievously. "Though I don't suppose you'll want to join me if I choose to eat in here?"

"Will I want to? No. Will I have to, to keep an eye on you? Yes," I grumbled, immediately regretting telling him that. I internally slapped myself. Why would you tell him? Now he's going to choose the option that puts you in more misery.

"Well, knowing your friends, they won't want to see me. Why don't you join me for Supper tonight, Ms. Wilder? I'd simply love to get to know you if you're going to be my, ah, watchwoman," 

I internally groaned. DARN, YOU! I screamed at myself in my head. DARN YOU, DARN LOKI, DARN THIS JOB- 

Instead of pleasing him with the knowledge of my displeasure, I simply stiffened and said, "I'll inform Mr. Stark of my absence tonight, then,"

"Oh, excellent. I can't wait," he gave me a large grin. I hated every inch of him.

"Thankfully, I can wait long enough for the both of us," I replied, and stormed out of the room, locking the door behind me.

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now