Chapter 24- Loki is a jerk

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Author's Note: Sorry if you don't like the title. Before reading, let out your rants here.


The talk with Thor was no different than the one with Natasha, Tony, Clint, Steve, and Bruce. There was only one difference:

"Loki removed the oath, so you don't have to fight to keep him in the tower anymore. And you won't die when we send him back," Thor told me.

"WHAT?!" I could feel tears rising to my eyes. "WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?!"

"He knew he didn't have much of a choice and he knew that he was definitely going back to Asgard, and he didn't want you to die,"

"And you guys are still trying to tell me that he doesn't care about me,"

"That's not what we're saying. Even if he does, he'll still use you in other ways,"

I stood from my armchair in the penthouse and stormed to the elevator. "I need some alone time,"

"Go ahead," Thor replied.

With that, I exited the penthouse and sprinted to Loki's room.


When I knocked on the door and entered, he glanced up from his book, studied me for a second, then glanced back down at his book.

"I need to talk to you," I said, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"And I need to talk to you," he replied, bookmarking his page and setting down the book.

I nodded and slowly approached the chair next to him, examining him as I sat down. He didn't look too fazed, and looked almost normal, though his eyes were slightly bloodshot.

"Loki-" I began, but he cut me off.

"Please, don't even start. You heard them. This can't happen. I don't deserve you, you deserve someone who isn't a serial killer. This is our final parting, I'm afraid,"

"Loki, so much has happened today, I don't even know how to start talking-"

"So don't. I'll speak for you. I can't be here. I don't belong here, and it's not safe for anyone if I'm here. I have to leave," 

I couldn't speak. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't do anything, really.

"Furthermore, you deserve to have your life back. You don't need me messing up your life. So... I'm leaving. Leaving here, and leaving you. I... I'm sorry, Ava,"

I felt tears rising to my eyes. I couldn't stop them from dripping out, one at a time. He looked as though he were blinking back tears as well.

"I'll never meet anyone like you," I whispered.

"Good. That means they'll be better," he whispered in return.

I felt more tears slip from the crevices of my eyes. "I'll never see you again,"

"That's alright," he said, though he clearly didn't believe it. "I want you to be happy. You'll be happier without me, I promise,"

"I'll miss you,"

"I'll miss you, too, my beautiful Queen,"

"I- I'll never forget you,"

"You don't have to,"

I felt more and more hot tears slip down my cheeks and fall into my lap. Tears were beginning to leak from his eyes as well.

"May I please hold you? Just one more time, please?" I asked, my throat closing up from crying. He nodded, so we both stood and embraced each other. Hard. I squeezed him as tight as I physically could, as though he were about to slip away, right then and there. I felt him kiss my cheek, then my jaw, then my neck, then my lips. I kissed him with all of my strength, knowing that I wouldn't be able to do it again. 

Once we'd pulled out of our kiss, we stood in each other's arms for god-knows-how-long. He let me cry into his shoulder, and would occasionally whisper, "You'll be okay, Ava, I promise. I swear that you'll be okay. You'll be happy. I promise. I promise you'll be okay,"

For once in my life, I tried the hardest I ever could to believe him. 

I could at least do that, couldn't I?


The next day was one of the worst days of my life. 

The Avengers already knew that 6 out of the 7 of us wanted Loki gone, so there was no vote. 

Technically, it was already long over.

I couldn't speak as Thor lead Loki onto the roof. I exchanged one last longing look with him before Heimdall swept them up off of the roof. 

"You'll be okay, I promise," 

I could almost hear his words as tears slipped from my eyes again. I couldn't stop staring up at the sky until Thor came back down, signifying that he was gone. 


I was shaking as we entered the elevator again, going downstairs. Before the others could file out, I sprinted from the elevator, forcing open the door to my room and locking it shut behind me. From there, I collapsed on the floor and sobbed for hours, unable to bring myself to getting up. There was a hole in my chest. A bottomless gap, that continued to grow and swallow entire parts of me, entire organs, and soon, my entire existence. 

Eventually, I cried myself to sleep.



I stood up, glancing around wildly for who I thought I was hearing.



I finally found him, standing behind me.

I reached out, but my hand passed through him.

"Are you... real?" I asked. "Or am I just hallucinating?"

The image of Loki said nothing.

I sighed and fell to my knees. He glanced down at me, then knelt down beside me. 

"Everything is going to be okay, Ava," he whispered. 

"No, it's not," I sobbed.

"Yes, it is," he assured me.

I couldn't reply, so I just pulled myself to my feet and dragged myself over to my large window, staring at the perfectly blue sky. The scene reminded me of his crystal eyes.

"You never really left me, did you?" I asked softly.

When I didn't receive a reply, I spun around to see that he had evaporated into nothing.

I glanced back at the sky, where he was no doubtedly getting settled back into his cell, and whispered, "Thank you,"

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now