Chapter 13- I attend a Stark Party

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Author's Note: Hi! Just a heads up, this chapter is longer than the others, because I didn't see a point in making two shorter chapters. Sorry in advance if it's a bit too long.


The guest started to arrive at the penthouse soon after we did. Bouncers stood at the entrance to the building, making sure that everyone was on the guestlist before they got in. I watched as partygoers streamed in through the elevators, greeting the Avengers at every chance they got. Thor was hounded by girls almost immediately, along with Steve. About 20 minutes after the party officially started, Tony Stark came in through the elevator. There was a loud cheer as he did. 

"Hey everyone, hey there, nice to meet you, yes, I know, it's me," he rambled. The crowd parted for him as he made a beeline for the bar. Obviously.


I barely turned my head at the sound of Loki's voice. "What?"

"You know, I think it would be just a marvelous idea to let me go back to my room. Lock the door, if you'd like. You know I can't escape,"

"If Tony says no, it's a no for me," I replied. "Sorry,"

"I thought you were better than that, Ava,"

"I'm afraid not. You may as well sit back and relax,"

Loki grumbled to himself as he sat down in the chair next to me. "You aren't really going to make me do this, are you?"

"What? Go through a party? You'll survive,"

"If you're going to make me stay here, then-"

"Excuse me, miss, are you Ms. Ava Wilder?"

I looked up to see a tall, mid-20-year-old-looking man with short brown hair and wild green eyes. I smiled as I replied, "Yes, I am,"

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Wilder. I'm Lucas Collins, but I go by Luke. Can I buy you a drink?"

"That would be nice," I stood and let him take me over to the bar, where Tony was telling a seemingly hilarious story.

"I'll get short glasses of Stark's special champagne," Luke told the bartender, who started to pour our drinks immediately. Luke turned back to me.

"So, Ms. Wilder-"

"Call me Ava,"

"...alright. So, Ava, how are you doing tonight?" Luke asked.

"I'm doing alright, how about you?" I answered politely.

"Not as good as I should. Has anyone ever told you that your eyes are like the twilight sky?"

"No, I believe that you're a first,"

"They really are. Are they natural?" 

"Yes, very natural,"

Luke grinned. "They're stunning,"

"Now, I've gotten that before, but mostly from high school crushes,"

Luke laughed. "Well, they weren't wrong. They go very nicely with your hair,"

"I'm flattered,"

Our drinks were set in front of us. I clinked my glass against his and took a small sip. The champagne was much sweeter than I'd expected, and I nearly gagged swallowing the first sip. 

"So... Stark really knows how to throw a party, doesn't he?" Luke commented, glancing back at the people dancing their hearts out on the dance floor. 

"Yeah, I guess. This isn't the first one that I've been to. He's had parties that go till 4 am, and he's had parties that go until noon. They can get crazy. I purposely try to stay sober, just to see what happens. It's usually pretty funny,"

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now