Chapter 18- Loki's POV

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Author's note: Hi! Here's another Loki's point of view(POV) chapter for you all. I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Feel free to comment with suggestions, questions, and...well... comments. By the way, if you like to draw, I seriously need a picture of Ava to put in this story. If you need a description, there's a description of Ava at the bottom of this page. Happy reading!


Loki's POV

Loki really didn't expect to wake up in his own mind.

He'd been there before, of course. Sometimes just to zone out. Or he'd fall asleep and watch the world around him from the conscious of his own mind. 

But turning around to see Ava standing in his mind was not ideal.

"How'd you get here?" he asked. "And what are you doing here? What am I doing here?"

"I- er- figured out how to do what you did. When I fell from the roof," she replied, semi-awkwardly.


"I- I don't know, I just thought about you,"

"What did you focus on?"

"Your eyes,"

Loki greatly appreciated that he couldn't blush in his own mind.

"Okay," he said plainly.

"I was wondering when you're planning on waking up," Ava said.

"When I was planning on it? The second Banner put me under. As you can see, that didn't happen."

"Quick question: why aren't you acting all weird?"

"...why would I be?" 

"My father poisoned you. What do you remember?"

"I... I remember stumbling to your room. My vision was going crazy by the time I got out of there. I don't remember you answering,"

Ava looked down.

"What? Did I do something?" he asked nervously, almost afraid of the answer. 

"Y-yes. You were acting very drunkenly, and you told me that you asked my father to be my... er... what was the word you used-"

"Lover?" he asked, burying his head in his hands. UGH! WHY?!

"Er- yes, and you kissed me again-" 

Loki groaned.

"...which lead me to figure out that you were poisoned," Ava finished.

"Couldn't you have figured that out by just talking to me?" he grumbled.

"I thought you were drunk or sick or something,"

"It takes quite a bit to get me drunk, Ava,"

"I'm aware. I wasn't keeping track of time, I was reading!"

"So is that why you're here? Is that all? You've come to exhibit my foolishness?"

When she didn't reply, anger rose inside of him. 

"So it is," he growled.

"No, it's not-

"REALLY?!" he demanded. "You've already made it clear that you not only despise me but wish for nothing more than to make a fool of me. Must you rub it in my face?"

"I'm not here to make you feel bad, okay?!" Ava exclaimed. "I want to know what you refused from him,"

"Isn't that all you do?" he snarled at her. "Want things from me? You use me like you use everyone else. You made me take you to Malus. You made me tell you about myself. You hold my wellbeing over my head, and all you've done over the past couple of days is abuse that power. Worse, you've made me fall for you, Ava, and upon finding out, all you do is rub it in my face that you'll always be the one thing I can't have. You've already told me that you hate me. You've already told me that you want me gone. I'll be gone in 3 days. So if there's only one thing I could ever get from you, it's a bit of independence. Let me stay here for a day. That way the next time you'll see me is the day you vote on whether or not I'm leaving. I trust that even though you have to stand by my side, you'll find a way around it,"

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