Chapter 19- I'm nearly killed by a rage monster

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Ava's POV

After one hour, Bruce told me that the operation was successful, but Loki would not wake up.

"What? Why?" I demanded.

"Because he... he's conscious, but he's refusing to wake up. Nothing I've been doing has been waking him up, and it's worrying me. Well, it's not worrying me. But it's a worrying condition."

I sat down beside him and buried my face in my hands. I wanted to start over. I wanted to do it all again. I wanted to trust him just a little bit more when I met him. I wanted to apologize for screaming at him. I wanted to go back and forget about going to Malus. I wanted to go back even just a simple hour and tell him that I cared. 

And now he was convinced that:

A) I hated him with my entire being.

B) I only used him to get what I wanted.

C) I wanted him dead or in a prison cell.

D) He only had 3 days left of semi-freedom before being shipped back to Asgard.

Now, he was forcing himself into a coma, and it was my fault.


The next day was the least eventful day I'd ever gone through. 

I spent most of the morning slouching around, waiting for Loki to wake up so that I could apologize for what I'd done over the past week and try to find a compromise. I wasn't sure if I still wanted him in the tower, and I knew that the other Avengers definitely didn't. I wouldn't have worried about it if I had more than 2 days to decide.

Convincing the Avengers to let Loki stay would be hard, and the fact that I had to "see to it" that he wasn't put back in the dungeons... that would be harder. 

Perhaps I could just tell them that I swore on my life and that if he goes back to the dungeons, I automatically kick the bucket. That would be convincing enough. But what if they just send him to another high-security prison? That would be getting rid of him, definitely, but that would be unethical. And besides, I feel like that would only be making our relationship much worse.

But it's not like he'd be a problem anymore.

For once in my life, I understood what it was like to have someone else's fate rest in your hands. 

It was stressful. 

I wanted to do the right thing. I wanted him to at least be with other people, regardless of who those people were. But if I send him to a max-security prison, he might be able to escape. That wouldn't be good.

But maybe the right thing was to put him back in the dungeons? Sure, I'd die, but he'd be locked up without a way out, and he'd be paying for what he'd done.

That didn't seem right, either.

There was something in the way. A feeling, an unspeakable emotion that I couldn't describe. Something that was there and wouldn't budge, no matter how hard I kicked it. Something I didn't want, yet also yearned for so much it hurt. Something I didn't want to aknowledge but thought about constantly.

Ever since the party.

No, before then. When I told him about myself on the roof. 

Not even then! It was way before then, when I was having dinner with him. When I looked into his eyes. Then. It was like he'd smacked me. I loved his eyes, they were enticing. I wanted to stare into them forever.

It was a strange feeling.

I knew what love felt like. I'd been through enough crushes and dates to know what attraction was, but I'd never felt it like this. It was always something about my crushes, usually their physical appearance- their hair, their hands, their muscular arms, something like that. This time, it was his eyes. His crystal-blue eyes. Every time we fought, every time I convinced myself that I hated him, it was always his eyes that brought me back. I hadn't been completely sure why until then.

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