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The Endgame, 2023


Current time: 2013

"Stay focused, guys," I reminded everyone as we made our way through the Asgardian Palace.

"We are being focused," Rocket told me, "You're just excited to see your boyfriend again,"

"They were never really boyfriend-girlfriend, rabbit," Thor reminded him. "They just liked each other,"

"I guess,"

At this point, I had another boyfriend. His name was nobody.

We passed into the dungeons, slowly crawling past the cells of Asgard's worst. This was before Thor let Loki out so that they could stop Malekith and destroy the Aether, so, as I suspected, Loki was still in his cell, appearing very preoccupied with a pen and a sheet of paper.

As we silently passed, I noticed a couple of pages on the ground. One of them caught my attention. It read-

Dear Ava,

I miss you like I never have before. I wish I could see you again so that I could apologize for being so terrible to you. Then again, when I did it before, I wasn't satisfied. Who knows if I'll ever be satisfied with any of my apologies.

I wish I could see you again. Perhaps I could stop wasting away in grief.

He signed his name at the bottom in curvy letters. The sight made tears jump to my eyes. I glanced around for another one and found one that was very damp.

My dearest Ava,

I wish I could see you, but I don't regret my choice of leaving. You deserve so much more. But I almost wish I could see you again, to tell you I love you before I die here.

I nearly started sobbing at that one, considering that he was dead.


I love you. Please, I plead, learn how to cast illusions so I can see you again. I just want to see you. That's all. You don't have to talk. You don't have to love me. I just want to see you again.


I still do not regret leaving, but I regret not telling you how much I still love you. I cannot remove you from my memory. You will remain mine, to me, forever.

My Queen, Ava,

If you are to ever find these, know that I love you unconditionally.

I could barely stop the tears flowing down my face. He cared. He really had cared. He had really loved me.

That was all I needed.

I knew I shouldn't have intervened, but I had to. As we were exiting, I made an illusion of myself inside of his cell and smiled as I heard him gasp. I watched as he approached the illusion, knowing that it wasn't really me, standing there and sobbing in front of him, but grateful nonetheless.

"Thank you, Ava," I heard him cry. "Thank you,"

Just before I left, I heard illusion me tell him, "You'll be okay, Loki, I promise,"

From the look on his face, I could tell that he believed me, just as I had believed him.

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now