Chapter 17- Stultum Mortis

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I was startled by a sudden knock on my door. I brushed myself off and hurried to open it. Instead of my father, I saw Loki, who was very pale and wobbling dangerously.

"Loki?" I asked, worriedly.

"Ava," he groaned and collapsed against me, nearly falling face-first. "Ava, darling,"

"Loki? Are you alright?" I asked, leading him towards the couch. He slouched against me, pressing his face against my neck. He dragged his lower lip up against my skin.

"Ava, dearest, don't leave me," his speech was extremely slurred and difficult to understand. Concerned, I examined him. His pupils were dilated and he was shaking violently.

"I'm not going to leave you while you're in this state,"

Loki stumbled as I helped him walk over to and lay down on the couch. He grinned like a fool, driving his hands through my hair and playing with it. 

"Now, now, that's enough," I said, pulling away from him. He grasped the roots of my hair, pulling me back towards him. I was forced to lean over him.

"I thought you said... you wouldn't... you said you won't... leave," he slurred. 

"I'm just going to go get you some water," I told him, pulling away again. 

"NO!" he yelled, now seeming suddenly angry. "You won't leave to do anything, love,"

"I don't know what's wrong with you, but I'll ask again- are you okay?"

He continued to grin like a child, oblivious to my obvious worry.

"You don't know what you're doing," I sighed.

"Yes, I do," he said lazily, pulling my face closer.

"You're drunk. Or sick," I diagnosed.

"And you're beautiful," he replied, pulling me even closer. I was beginning to lose my footing from leaning over this much.

"You need-" I began, but he cut me off.

"Shut up," he drawled. "Shut up and love me. I love you,"

I was taken aback by this sudden comment.

"You don't mean that," I told him as he pulled me so close that our noses touched.

"You're all I want," he cooed.

"You don't mean that either," I repeated.

"Kiss me, please. Like you did in the penthouse,"

"You're clearly sick, I'm going to-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he smashed his lips against mine, causing me to nearly fall on top of him.

I almost pulled away from him instantly.

His breath was repulsive and abnormally nasty, not at all how it was at the party. I allowed him to kiss me harder as I tried to figure out why. It didn't taste at all like alcohol, and he couldn't get drunk very easily. So what was it?

When he pulled away, I smelled it. 

Poison. He's been poisoned.

Mortified, I straightened.

My father poisoned him.

"What's wrong, my dearest?" Loki asked stupidly.

"Poison..." I whispered. "Oh, Lord, who knows about poisons... what kind of Malus poison is it?!"

"What are you talking about? I feel fine," he interjected. He sat up, but upon trying to stand, he slipped and fell back again. 

"Foolishness... stupidity... drunk movements and slurred speech... heck, it could be any poison!" I muttered his symptoms to myself. I quickly reached down and felt his forehead, jerking it away after feeling the immense heat of his flesh. 

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now