Chapter 11- Steve Rogers gives me some props

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Ava's POV

About an hour after the Avengers had left, Loki and I were on opposite sides of the sofa, watching the news. Some celebrities were sharing their thoughts about the attack on New York(which Loki scoffed at. "They're really are dramatic, aren't they?"), another bank robbery took place, and, of course-

"...and now, we've taken some time to review a theory that has been grasping the internet. Tony Stark took in a girl in her early twenties, Ava Wilder, but still refuses to share why. After seeing Ms. Wilder and Steve Rogers out walking together constantly, the media seems to have found out why. Many, many Twitter accounts believe that Ms. Wilder is the long lost daughter or possibly even granddaughter of Steve Rogers, who, as you may remember, was asleep in the ice for 70 years. Here are some videos we found..."

I zoned out. Ugh.

"None of that is true, is it?" Loki asked suddenly.

I shook my head. "No, they're just looking for some good propaganda to make money off of,"

"Well, they must be very desperate," he declared. "There's no way you could be Rogers' daughter. You'd have to be at least 70 years old,"

I laughed. "Yeah, they are very desperate. Ever since the New York attack chaos started to die down, news stations have been frantically searching for a reason to send out stories to the public. It's mostly been social media news,"



I looked up. Ms. Potts stood on the threshold to the living room, eyeing Loki like he could chuck a knife at her at any second.

"I have your dress for tomorrow if you'd like to try it on," she said.

"Oh! Thank you. I would, but if you don't want to stay out here with-" I started, but she cut me off.

"I'll be fine. Show it to me when you're done," she said sharply.

I nodded and stood up, heading for the door.

"It's on your bed," Ms. Potts told me before I left.


I excitedly ran down the hall to my room, opening the door as swiftly as I could. On my bed, there was a gorgeous black party dress. I quickly slipped it on.

It was a small, sleeveless thing with a black tie belt that sat just above my waist. The cloth above the tie belt was coated with silver sequins and the cotton skirt below it was just long enough to cover the first 6 inches of my thighs. I grinned and twirled around in the mirror. I couldn't reach the zipper in the back, so I hoped Ms. Potts would do that for me.

I pulled on the black heels she'd left at the base of my bed and came back out into the living room.

"WOW!" Ms. Potts exclaimed. "That looks... really good! I'll do your zipper, just so I can see..." 

Ms. Potts rushed to pull up the zipper in the back of my dress. As she did, I caught Loki staring at me. When he realized that I'd seen him watching, he turned away immediately.

"There," Ms. Potts said as she finished up my zipper. "Now, spin around for me."

I did so, the skirt flowing out around me as I did.

"Looks nice! I'll undo the zipper for you so that you can take it off," 

"Thank you, Ms. Potts,"

"Call me Pepper, Ava, I won't mind,"

"O- okay. Thank you, Pepper,"

Saying her name sounded very strange, especially because of how much of a second mother she was to me, but after saying it in my head a few times, it became more natural.

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now