Chapter 10- Loki's POV

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Author's note: Hey people! I wasn't really planning on making a Loki's point of view(POV) chapter, but I thought that it would be helpful for you guys to get a sense of what Loki thinks about Ava. Tell me if I should do more or less of these so I know whether or not you liked it!


Loki's POV

Since she couldn't leave him unsupervised, Ava forced Loki to come with her as she took a walk around the roof of the tower. Since he didn't want to go back to the Asgardian dungeons, Loki openly came with, staying silent for the whole time. When Ava told him to sit down on a bench outside of the penthouse and wait for her to cool down, he did so without objection, patiently waiting for her to chill out.

One week, he thought to himself. Less than a week, in fact. 6 days, to be precise. 6 days for me to gain her trust, or I'm out of here and back in the dungeons, because I'm not dumb enough to think that the Avengers will want to keep me here. So how do I do this? How do I gain her trust if she thinks my every word is the snare to a trap? How do I turn her from hate to... something other than hate? How do I get her to want to trust me?

Unfortunately, he still didn't have an answer for himself.

"Plotting something?"

Loki jumped. Ava was sitting next to him on the bench.

"Technically, yes," he replied truthfully.

"An escape?" Ava questioned, probably hoping for a reason to get him out of the tower as soon as possible.

"No," Loki answered, watching himself for lies. He didn't want to impulsively lie to her. Not when his well being depended on it.

"Yeah, right. What's the plan now? Gonna push me off the side and run to the elevator before Heimdall can tell Thor that I'm dead?" she sneered.

"No," Loki repeated. 

"Make me take off your gloves, then do that?"


"Steal a weapon and threaten me into taking you downstairs so that you don't alert the Avengers' attention?"


"Well? What is it, then, if you're so smart?"

Loki sighed. "If I were to try to escape, then yes, I'd have already shoved you off the side of the roof and made a break for the elevator. However, I'm not entirely interested in doing that right now,"

"Why not? It would save me a lot of trouble, dead or not,"

"Because I don't want to escape,"

Ava laughed mockingly at him. "Yeah, right."

"At least I'm not being hunted down by just about everyone while in here. If I were to actually escape, I'd have no safe place anymore. I'd rather be your prisoner here than go back to Asgard anyway. At least it's better here. I can actually go places,"

One of those sentences held a lie.

"Well, that's not entirely true," he added, catching himself. "There are a few safe places I know, I would just rather not go to them,"

Ava was silent for a moment, trying to figure out how to interpret his words.

"What's your goal?" she asked suspiciously.

"My goal?"

"What is it that you want right now?"

Loki pondered her question. There were a lot of things that he wanted. More things than he could count, actually. He wanted to be a king. He wanted to prove himself. He wanted Ava to trust him at least a little so that he could speak to her without her exploding at him. He wanted to be worthy. He wanted the Tesseract so that he could go wherever he pleased. He wanted to see his mother again. He wanted to stay at Avengers tower so that he wouldn't have to go back to the Asgardian dungeons. He wanted to somehow get out of there without being caught.

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