Chapter 16- My Father and I finally meet

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I stumbled as my feet hit solid ground. 

We were standing in the middle of what appeared to be a forest. In front of us was a large, purple circle of light.

"This is definitely not the Bifrost gateway. Where are we?" Loki asked.

"I think I know. This is the entrance to Malus," I said.

Loki examined the terrain. "I guess you're right. Do we step into the circle?"

"Yes, probably,"

"You first,"


"N-no! You're the Malus one,"

"Thinking of betrayal, now, are we?"


"Then step into the circle,"

He sighed and obeyed me, stepping into the ring of light. He vanished immediately.

I let out a worried breath and followed after him. The second both of my feet were inside the circle, the world shook violently. Everything turned a blinding white, then blurred into focus. 

"Who're they?"

"What is that?"

"That one's the King Regent's daughter!"

I blinked a few times to take in my surroundings. What I found made my jaw drop.

I was standing in some sort of obsidian and iolite dome, the walls smothered with amethysts, lavender quartz, and purple sapphires. Around me stood four guards, all in silver armor with long black sashes. 

"Who are you?" asked one of them. Judging by their voice, they were female. I couldn't see their face behind their silver mask.

"I am Queen-in-waiting Ava Wilder," I told them, "And I'd like an audience with my father."

"Wilder?" one of the guards asked. "The name of the royal family is Howler, so there's no way you could be a queen-in-waiting,"

The guards laughed among themselves.

"To my defense, I never learned my real name," I argued. "I fell to Midgard when I was 10, remember?"

The guards hushed immediately. There was a bit of murmuring amongst them before one of them announced, "Very well. We will take you to the King. Once your audience is over, you will leave."

I grinned. "So be it,"

As they started to lead me out of the dome, I realized something very important.

"I came here with someone else," I stated.

"He's right here, waiting for you to finish up," came Loki's voice from behind me. By the look on his face, I could tell he was anxious and impatient. I spun around and waved him over to my position. The guards stopped him halfway, blocking his path.

"What is this?" he demanded.

"Those of Asgardian blood are not allowed past this point, I'm afraid-" began one of the guards.

"I'm not Asgardian, you fool!" Loki spat.

"Then what are you?" the guard asked incredulously.

"Jotun. Laufey's son," 

The guards looked taken aback. 

"You must have some sort of relationship to the princess if you want to enter, Laufeyson," one of the guards snarled. "Or else you are not allowed here,"

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now