Chapter 12- I didn't think Asgardians wore blazers either

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One day later

The Avengers still refused to tell me what happened on the mission, and I had been growing suspicious. Was it something about me that they weren't telling me? Was it that confidential?

Stark's party was in about 1 hour, and I still needed to get ready. Pulling on my dress and heels, I took another glance at myself in the mirror. I wasn't used to wearing dresses, and it was very clear to see- my arm and leg muscles were very visible, and I felt out of place. For a moment, I almost considered taking it off and skipping the party.

But then Natasha and Pepper came knocking down my door and took me to the bathroom, fixing up my hair, pulling the strawberry blonde strands into a crown braid, and putting a bit of dark eyeshadow and eyeliner on my eyes. 

"Your eyes are your most complimenting feature," Pepper told me. "If I outline them with dark colors, they'll be quickly noticed,"

Your eyes are compliment enough, but that dress kinda... brought them out.

That's what Loki had said, right? 

His words lingered in my mind for a moment longer as Pepper backed up to take a look at the finished product. 

"It looks great!" she smiled. "You're all set,"

"Thank you, Pepper," I replied, nervously putting on my black, three-inch t-strap heels. I wasn't used to wearing them, but I managed to get around without tripping or wobbling.

"Now, you're going to have to come with me. You'll want to know what Loki looks like before you go so that you can keep an eye on him," Natasha said, leading me out of the bathroom and down the hallway. Before we took a left turn, I could hear Thor's thundering voice. 

"Wow, brother, you look like a Midgardian!"

"I'm not taking that as a compliment,"

"You should. Even I'm a bit jealous, Reindeer Games," Tony Stark's voice came through the hall as well. 

A sigh that sounded all too familiar. 

Natasha led me to a door that I'd known to be the door to Tony Stark's room and knocked.

"Who is it? I'm busy," Stark called from inside.

"It's Natasha Romanoff and Ava Wilder," Natasha said, smirking as she mocked an informational tone.

"Thor, could you get that for me?"


The door opened, and I saw Thor, who hadn't changed at all for the party. He grinned at us. 

"Come in, come in! It's good to see you, Ava," he said, stepping aside. When I saw Loki, I did a double-take. I wasn't sure if I even recognized him. He wore blue jeans(yes, jeans. Save my soul), and a black blazer over a maroon-colored dress shirt. Pepper or Tony must have done something with makeup, too, because his face looked quite a bit younger and brighter. When he caught me staring, he grinned at me and winked. I tossed him a glare. He laughed in return.

"Stop flirting with Ava, it's never gonna happen. I'll see to it," Tony said automatically. I knew he was joking, but he sounded a bit too serious that I'd have liked.

"I can fend for myself, Tony," I joked.

"Not this reindeer," Tony replied, starting to work on Loki's hair. Surprisingly, he did nothing more than flinch.

"You won't cut it," Loki said, more of a statement than a question.

"Not unless you wanted me to,"

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now