Chapter 20- I come cleaner than Mr. Clean

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Author's Note: Just a fair warning- this chapter is on the long side.


We both said nothing as we made our way to the penthouse.

We both said nothing as we walked out of the penthouse and onto the roof.

We both said nothing as we sat down on an outdoor bench.

When the tension in the air was too high, we both spoke at the same time.

"I'm sorry,"

It took us a moment to realize that we'd both said the same thing at the same time.

"No, really, I'm sorry,"

When it happened again, we both couldn't help but smirk.

"I'm afraid to say anything, now," Loki told me, watching to see if I would say the same thing.

"Me too," I replied.

"How about I start with some things I know you won't say?"

"Sounds great,"

"Alright then," he let out an intense breath. "I could've escaped. I... I chose not to,"


I quickly realized that I'd shouted and looked down, muttering, "S-sorry,"

"It's fine. Let me explain..." 

He shifted, clearly very uncomfortable and tense.

"Remember... remember the party?" he asked. "When you took off your gloves to fight Stark?"

I nodded.

"I- well- they have your fingerprint on them because you wear them all the time," he explained slowly. "And I... I flipped them inside out to see if I could get my gloves off, and... it worked... so I pulled them off... and... and I put on yours,"

He was obviously not used to exposing himself because he kept stopping himself, thinking, then continuing. I said nothing as he continued to explain.

"When you fell off the roof, I ran outside and... and I fought myself. I wanted to stop your fall, but that would mean possibly exposing myself... but then you hit the ground before I could stop it. I thought you were dead,"

I was having a hard time finding the point of his words. Was he apologizing? Was he just explaining what happened? Was he trying to make a point?

I glanced over at the ledge I'd fallen off of. It seemed so much more dangerous, now that I'd already fallen off.

"I couldn't leave, after that. I could've escaped, right then and there. I could've jumped off after you and gotten away. But seeing your body on the ground, appearing to be lifeless, I just... I couldn't. I've seen death before, but you'd have died for me, a man I'd thought you'd hated. And I just... I couldn't wrap my head around that. I couldn't let an act like that go in vain. So I stayed. I stayed until you were well. Romanoff refused to let me see you, no matter how many times I asked. Then she told you that I wouldn't talk at all, and that made me mad, for some reason. I wanted you to know that I'd cared, that I'd wanted to know if you were okay."

His speaking was becoming much more fluent, and he seemed to be venting out all of his thoughts. I sat unmoving, silently listening. 

"Then, you asked me to bring you to Malus. I know that it may have seemed like I was annoyed with you for asking, but really, I did it because I wanted a chance to prove that I cared about you. I still couldn't get over the fact that you'd literally put your life on the line for me. So I let you convince me to take you to Malus."

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