Chapter 1- I say "what" way too many times in this chapter

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Sorry, just had to say that. 

It's been quite a "what" month.

I feel like I've said "what" over a million times this month, and I'm not counting. Way too many things have happened. 

First, I finally used my magic for something other than lighting the city on fire. That's a plus.

Second, I nearly got blown up by a Psyco driving a flying alien around the city. That was when I used my magic for something other than lighting the city on fire. 

Third, the Avengers saw me fending off those same aliens with that same magic, so after New York City was stable again, they took me into SHIELD for questioning. 

Fourth, after questioning, Nick Fury(a scary guy with a black eyepatch that only hides his eye, not the horrifying scars around it) said that I could pick to live in either SHIELD HQ or Stark Tower(later to be named Avengers tower). Obviously, I chose to live with the billionaire. 

To be honest, I don't feel like a normal person. I guess I never did. Here's why:

1) I am fully aware that I am not from Earth. I come from a place called Asgard.

2) I come from Malus, a place that is literally hidden beneath Asgard. Now, you're probably wondering why it's hidden from the rest of the nine realms. That's because when our first leader beat the Allfather in a duel, he made the Allfather give him and his people a place to live. The Allfather gave them space underneath Asgard's surface. Now, obviously, the Allfather would be ashamed to have people know that he'd lost a duel to some citizens he'd considered to be weaker than him, so he wanted to hide Malus as best he could.

3) The Malus are people who have magic running in their blood, so I'm not technically special at all. The only real special thing about me is that my mother was the Queen of Malus, but she perished when I was 10 years old, so now my father(who was never married to my mother, I was born out of wedlock) has taken over as my regent. 

4) I went to live with my stepdad(my mother's actual husband) after my mom died. My stepdad was an Asgardian. He only took custody of me because he didn't want me living with my father.

5) My stepdad hates me and left me on a sidewalk in Midgard the next day. Specifically, Janesville, Wisconsin.

6) When he left me there, he took a few memories from me, just to make sure I wouldn't come back. He didn't take all of them, though. He probably figured it too suspicious. 

7) I was found by a family who sent me to an adoption center, where I waited for a year before a kind old lady picked me up and took me in.

8) The kind lady died a year later, so her son took me in after that. He lived in NYC, so he had to fly me up to New York. He was in the US Air Force and took me to a few bases. Military life was different than civilian life, but I'd been through worse.

9) After turning 18, I moved out and joined the US Marines, joining the National Guard(think of it as part-time work but for the military) so that I could get a degree in law enforcement.

10) I was preparing for an interview for a job when all of my windows shattered, and the start of the attack on New York began.

And we're back to the present.

Sorry about the long story. Not many people have to go through explaining their life choices, but now you know a bit more about me than you used to. 

Also, the fact that you're still here after that long rant is incredible. 

You won't regret it, I honestly hope you won't. My story is a strange one. Think of it like a sandwich. The bun is the start of my life and the end of it. The lettuce is getting kicked out of Malus(I hate lettuce), the onions are all the possible things that could have happened but didn't(I take those out of my sandwich. For a very good reason). The mayo is the inevitable fate of getting shipped out to New York. And the patty?

That's me saying "what" every other minute. 

I'm joking. The patty hasn't come yet. The patty is when I finally get to go back to Malus and meet my father. 

And then someone will eat this life sandwich, and my life will be over.

Alright, I'll admit, not my best analogy, but you get the point. 

You're probably sick of me talking about my past life by now, so how about I start off by telling you how the tower got flipped upside down at the arrival of the God of Mischief.

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