Chapter 4- I realize just how annoying Loki is

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After dinner and training that night, I took a shower and collapsed onto my bed, asking JARVIS to turn off my lights so I could go to sleep. I dreamt of what Malus was like, what my father was like. I dreamt of meeting him.

The reality I woke to was not as great as my dream. The second I opened my eyes, I remembered that I had to keep an eye on Loki for the rest of his time in the tower. Groaning and smashing my head into my pillow, I almost wished that he would step out of line immediately so that I could ship him back to Asgard without a second thought. 

No, I told myself suddenly, I'm doing this for Thor. 

Somehow, the thought was important enough to force me out of bed and into the shower. After being thoroughly cleansed, I walked into my closet.

What is something I can wear that screams "I will beat your arse?" I wondered, searching through my clothes. Black athletic pants, definitely. Maybe a black tunic... no, not necessary. Or a military vest... too overkill. A sweatshirt is a definite no, along with any casual wear. The others would probably wear weapon-packed clothing, so at least I wouldn't look weird wearing protective armor.

Then again, as much as I wanted him to know that I could kill him if I wanted to, I wanted him to know that I wasn't afraid of him. So I wore a camo shirt with armored plates woven into it and my black silk gloves. I put a pistol in both pockets(great advice from Natasha) and a dagger up both sleeves. We didn't know what to expect, and I wanted to be ready for every possible outcome.

Just for flare, I added some mascara to darken my eyelashes. I'll wear makeup only when I feel like it,  and the most I'll add is eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick, and blush. No more than that or I start to feel like a clown. Besides, I like to recognize myself when I look in the mirror.

I headed out to the living room, not feeling like breakfast with how much my stomach was flipping. Instead, I sat down on the couch, breathing deeply and trying to calm myself.

I wasn't excited.

I wasn't nervous.

I wasn't angry.

I was slightly panicked.

Alright, a bit more than slightly.

I slowly began to realize that Bruce had been right- I didn't know him. I knew that he'd tried to take over New York and failed, but that was about it. I didn't know a thing about him, and I didn't know what to expect. What would he act like, when he stepped in here? Would he be happy to be out of prison or angry with Thor for bringing him here? Would he actually behave or would he constantly poke at my nerves? Would he even care that he was here at all? Would he like it here, or prefer living in his cell?

I wasn't sure what to think, and it was driving me nuts.

"Hey, Ava," Clint called to me after entering the room. He was all suited up, with his bow and quiver of arrows strapped onto his back. "Were you going to eat breakfast?" 

"Nope, not hungry," I replied. "What's with the suit?"

"Everyone's suited up. We don't know what to expect from Loki and want to be on top of our game. Don't worry, Stark's made you one, too. He seems quite proud of it,"

My own suit? Is he for real? I asked myself, suddenly excited. 

"Really?!" I asked, standing from the couch immediately.

Clint laughed. "Yeah, go ask him about it, I'm sure he'll show you,"

I grinned and ran off to find Tony.


"Yes, I made you a suit. Try it on for me, tell me what you think,"

I took the box he had on his lab desk and rushed to my room, pulling on the suit. I glanced at myself in the mirror, thinking it was the best thing that was going to happen that day. 

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