It's... MAGICAL!!!

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Oriana Thompson was never a stranger to being pursued. As a mercenary magician, it was a common thing, especially when fighting against other magicians... she even had her own little encounters against the Espers of the Science side.. but never had she considered that she'd ever encounter aliens.

Some theories depicted that humans were ignorant to the ways of God and the relations to magic until creatures known as Celestialsapiens, aliens that were created using the same power God used to create angels, came down and taught humans.

Other myths spoke of a massive alien being named Diagon who came and taught humans magic, and said that he would one day return with alien technology to bring humans into a great golden age.

Whatever the myths, the moment Oriana had seen the adopted sister of Ben Tennyson, it reminded her of the new age humanity was moving into.. an age of being aware of that they were not alone in the universe.

But Oriana didn't have time to worry about that.. she was currently dealing with a little other job to take care of..

Oriana ran through Academy City, using the countless crowds of people that were pouring in from all over the world to watch the Daihaseisai as cover. She knew that the magic organization known as Necessarius was after her.. and they had allied themselves with a rather interesting boy.. she would have to keep off their grid as best as possible.

Oriana stopped in her tracks.. she looked up at the sky and smiled. "Hmph.. so they've set up a tracking spell.."

Oriana took out a strange looking flip book full of tags with ruins on them. She tore off a tag with her teeth. "Oh well... it looks like I have to do a little trap setting."


"You're LATE!!!"

Touma and Ben found themselves standing in front of a well endowed classmate with an enthusiastic posture and long black hair, she wore her sports jacket like a cape and gave Ben, Touma and Tsuchimikado a rather haughty glare.

"H-hey..Fukiyose.." said Ben. "How's it going?"

Fukiyose harrumphed again. "Your Japanese is improving Ben, but save it for later!! Right now we all need to focus on being pumped!! It's going to be mayhem out there!! And we're competing against other schools you know!!"

"Yeah.. sure.." said Touma. "But um.. I'm not sure everybody else feels the same way you know.."

Touma pointed at their classmates.. all of which were lounging about unenthusiastically.

One student, who was a friend of Ben and Touma, Pierce Aogami, a blue haired pervert who had actually helped translate for Ben before he learned Japanese,  was actually snoring asleep.

"Hey!!!" Fukiyose stomped on Aogami's head. "Wake up!! Come on everyone!! We've got to pick ourselves up here!!"

"What's the point Fukiyose!?" said Aogami from under Fukyose's foot. "We always make a low score, every year...there's no point.."

"I barely remember last year to be honest.." said Ben. "What happened again?"

"U-uh.." said Touma. "I don't remember either.."

"Really!?" said Ben. " You usually remember all the terrible stuff that happens to us because you keep moaning about how bad your luck was then!"

"Kamy's probably not into remembering that stuff anymore, it just bums people out that's for sure." said Tsuchimikado with his usual rebel grin. "Well, if we lose we lose, what's the big deal?"

That's when voices could be heard around the corner of the school building.. curious, Ben, Touma, Aogami, and Tsuchimikado peeked around the corner along with Fukiyose to see their small child-like teacher Ms. Komoe, dressed in a cheerleader outfit and arguing with a fellow teacher.

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 2, Grudge Match.Where stories live. Discover now