The Croci Di Pietro

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The first thing Helen noticed when she woke up was the beeping heart monitor.. It was beeping much faster then it would on any human.. but a fast heartbeat was normal on healthy Kinecelerans.. Helen was still wearing her Kineceleran helmet, however, she was now dressed in hospital robes.. and lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to a bag of morphine and a heart monitor.. her tail was sticking out of the end of the bed from under the blankets.

"Wh-wha?" Helen muttered. "Is this.. a hospital? I've.. I've never been in a hospital before..."

Helen never usually went to traditional doctors. Having an anatomy which was largely from a completely different species complicated that. Max Tennyson would usually bring her to specialist doctors that dwelled in the underground alien communities that were all around Earth.

The last time Helen had broken her leg fighting a group of Spheroid Pirates, she went to a hospital in the underground secret alien community known as Undertown in Bellwood.

This room.. this very human stuff was strange to her..

"Feeling alright?"

Helen turned her head to see a girl she didn't know.. she blinked for a minute. "Eh.. sorry.. h-have we met?"

Fukiyose sighed. "I'm a friend of your brother.. seriously..Ben never mentioned me? Fukiyose?"

"Oh!! The overenthusiastic one..!" said Helen.


"Oh!!" said Helen. "Eh.. I meant.. "

"Don't worry about it." said Fukiyose. "I'm just feeling stupid that something like this happened during the Daihaseisai!! I was part of the planning commitee, so it's pretty embarrassing for me.. and I hate that the adopted sister of a good friend could get hurt like this.."

"It's alright.." said Helen. "I've been through worse... not as bad as Ben though.. you should see some of the brawls he's been through.."

"I heard about the Impulser event." said Fukiyose. "Anyways.. it's good to see you're alright.. but.. I need to ask you something.. has Ben visited you at all in the past few hours?"

Helen shook her head. "I don't know.. I've only just woken up.."

"Hmm.." Fukiyose scratched her chin as she sipped from a juice box she always carried with her. "Touma, Ben, Tsuchimikado... where are you three?"


Wildmutt prowled through the streets, snuffling around cars and everything else, following Oriana Thomson's scent..

It had been 30 minutes since the encounter with Vilgax.. and everyone had scattered around in search of the magician mercenary. It was pretty much agreed among everyone that the sooner one problem was solved, the sooner they could solve another...

Mikoto had gone with Ben and Stiyl, while Tsuchimikado and Touma had gone to look after a tracking spell they had set up.. and for some reason, Mikoto had insisted on riding on Wildmutt's back...when asked why, she blushed extremely red and said.. "Er.. nostalgia.."

"This can't be right.." Stiyl muttered. "From what Ben's told me about this Vilgax fellow.. there shouldn't be any reason he'd be interested in magical items.. it seems like his heart and soul is bent soley on the Omnitrix.."

Wildmutt let out a few snarling growls.

"I have no idea what you just said." said Stiyl.

"Wildmutt isn't capable of human speech." said Mikoto. "But if I were to guess what he said, I think he'd be referring to the fact that Vilgax IS an intergalactic conquerer.. there might be tons of weapons he'd need to take down other planets right? I mean.. there's probably a million planets out there besides the 10 he's just conquered.."

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 2, Grudge Match.Where stories live. Discover now