A Certain Mental Adventure.

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The song is the DNAlien's theme.

Mikoto had learned plenty of things from watching the movie Alien. Number 1, she learned that drool was incredibly gross when used in the right way.. secondly, and most importantly.. NEVER LET ANYTHING THAT WANTS TO HUG YOUR FACE.. HUG YOUR FACE!!!

Mikoto struggled frantically with panic as the DNAlien brought the slimey parasite closer to her face. No.. no .. she  couldn't let this thing touch her.. if it did.. it would be the end!!

As Mikoto felt the panic rise in her head.. there was something else.. .something in her mind.. that shook with some hidden power.. immediately, as if from the deepest depths of her mind.. a black spark lit.. then a powerful barrage of black lightning radiated from her head.. shattering the headband that was sealing her powers.

"SCREEEE!!!!" The DNAlien let out a shocked monstrous cry as Mikoto's body radiated with blue lightning this time.. blasting apart the leather straps that were binding her..

Mikoto rolled off the table and slammed a hand against the floor.. immediately, lightning travelled along the ground and coursed through the DNAlien's body.. causing it to cry out in pain and fall back unconscious.. meanwhile.. the parasite leapt to the floor and began scurrying towards Mikoto on it's tentacles.. hissing ominously.

The slobbery creature jumped toward's Mikoto's face, reminiscent of a Face Hugger from the Alien movies.

Mikoto shot a lightning spear from her bangs.. and the creature was blasted to the ground. Mikoto stomped on the creature repeatidly, yelling out a curse, feeling extremely freaked out by the slimey little monster.

Mikoto fell to her knees and panted. This was wrong.. one moment they were hunting a sorcerer and an alien conquerer.. now this!? This day was just a whole host of crazy!

Mikoto didn't have time to dwell with her thoughts though.. because at that moment the door rammed open and 5 DNAliens ran in, letting out their screeching inhuman cries.

Caught by surprise.. Mikoto's wrists were slammed up against the wall by one of the DNAliens, showing extroardinarily vicious strength..

"We are much stronger then you human.. much much stronger.." hissed the DNAlien.

"Y-yeah!? Body odor isn't everything!" Mikoto let out a powerful discourse of lightning, which sent the DNAliens all hurtling back.

They recovered quickly though, and tentacles slithered out of their mouths as they began spitting gooey projectiles at Mikoto. Mikoto rolled out of the way as the slimey goo hit the walls like bullets.

"Ewwwww!!" Mikoto said. "That is.. just... ewwww..."

Mikoto held out her hands.. and all the metal in the room ripped itself from the walls and slammed into the DNAliens.. magnetising them to the floor. Mikoto then ran out of the room, she had to find Ben... she knew all about the Omnitrix being attatched to Ben's spinal cord..if they found some way to remove it and kill Ben.. NO! She had to find him!!

Mikoto ran through what seemed to be endless windowless metal hallways..looking over her shoulder. There was nothing.. nothing but metal halls.. as if this entire place was just some huge maze..

That's when she saw something ahead.. it was a frightened looking guy, probably a student from Academy City like Mikoto.. only he seemed delirious with fear.

"D-don't let them on your face... DON'T LET-" The boy cried out.. but before Mikoto could say anything.. one of the slimey squid creatures leapt out from nowhere and grabbed onto the boy's face.. the tentacles wrapped around his body.. merging with him.. twisting his form.. until.. until the boy had become..

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 2, Grudge Match.Where stories live. Discover now