Aliens and Sorcerers.

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"Good at your job eh?" said Ben. "So what exactly is your job then?"

"Oh.. how sweet." said Oriana as the tags in her teeth began to glow. "You wish to know about my work! Perhaps I should give you a kiss just for that.. anyways.. allow me to properly reintroduce myself. I am Oriana Thomson, and my Magic Name is Basis104.. the one that carries the basis.."

Ben raised an eyebrow. "Magic Name? Hex and Charmcaster never pulled anything like that on me before.."

"Hmph, sounds like you're speaking about the magic users of Ledgerdomain. Well those particular beings have a more rash view of magic then human sorcerers." said Oriana. "When we humans use magic, in order to restrain our power, we place a seal on it.. and by saying our magic names, it unleashes that seal.. get the picture?"

"Well enough." answered Ben. There was a flash of green light, and in Ben's place stood a large alien with yellow armor, jack-hammer-like arms and an armodillo-ish look.

"But magic in any form doesn't scare me!!" Armodrillo growled. "RRAAGGGHHH!!!!"

Armodrillo smashed the ground with one fist, sending  seismic shock blasting through the street at Oriana.

Oriana took the tags from in between her teeth and threw them.. in an instant, there was a massive wave of burning hot sludge that conjured itself from the earth.

Armodrillo's siesmic shock collided with the sludge in an explosion of molten liquid.

Oriana ripped several more tags from her Grimoire and prepared to throw them again.. but the sludge had already given Armodrillo enough cover to dig into the earth and dissapear.

"What!?" said Oriana. "Where?"

Suddenly, on either end of Oriana.. both of Armodrillo's massive arms exploded out of the ground. Oriana flipped out of the way as Armodrillo's two hands clapped together onto empty air.

Armodrillo burst out of the ground and glared at Oriana. "Alright pretty princess, time to come clean, what the hell did you do to my sis!? And what are you up to!?"

"Hmm?" said Oriana. "Was I mistaken about you being with Necessarius? Or are those idiots at the church really that naive? Oh well.. I'm not the type to fight giant armadillos without few tricks.."

Oriana threw one of her grimmoire pages at the ground.. and suddenly Armodrillo began to sink into the earth like quicksand.

"Wh-what is happening!?" Armodrillo roared as his heavy body struggled against the liquified ground.

"Why it's really quite a simple thing really." said Oriana. "I combined the element for water and earth and fit in some lines that symbolized wine in the bible on the grimoire page.. you see, I can't use a single page more then once in my grimoire, so I'm kind of limited to using different types of spells each time I pick a new page.. that's why I have to pick the precise right spell to use against the right enemy.. and a giant heavy lug like you is hopeless in that quicksand floor.."

"D-damn!!" Armodrillo fell beneath the earth, completely submerged.

"That creature already proved he can survive just fine underground." Oriana muttered. "I better get away before the spell wears off.."

"You depend too much on my heavy size and weight.." said the ethereal voice of Big Chill as he phased out of the ground behind Oriana. "You didn't even stop to consider if I could just change that by changing my form! heh..further proof that we've never met till today then eh?"

Big Chill let out an icey cold beam from it's mouth with his cold breath, and Oriana's legs were frozen to the ground. "Got ya.."

"Do you?" said Oriana with a smile. Oriana threw down another grimoire page.. suddenly there was a massive blast of multicolored wind.. and the ice shattered while Big Chill was sent spiralling into the air.

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