All The Girls Want Him

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Well.. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!? GET OUT!! Misaki's voice rang within Ultimate Swampfire's mind.

You've only got 12 minutes before this places blows up.. and the Hive mind of these.. DNAliens.. are REALLY hard to control!!

Without a second thought, Ultimate Swampfire ran through the shaking building as flames began to erupt from the decimated weapons room at random flaming explosions.. leaving Vilgax as he fought off the mind controlled DNAliens who were coming at him.

Ultimate Swampfire rammed his shoulder through the exit door with ease, ripping the door off it's hinges as he made it to what looked like stairs sprialling upwards through a long column.

"Ain't got time for that!!" Ultimate Swampfire thrust his hands towards the ground and a powerful blue flame erupted from them.. propelling him up in between the spiralling stairs like a rocket.

Ultimate Swampfire suddenly felt a large clawed hand grab onto his foot.. and he looked down to see that Vilgax had grabbed hold..

"HEY! I'm gonna do a Harrison Ford and say, GET OFF MY FOOT!!" Ultimate Swampfire yelled, kicking Vilgax with his free leg as he proppelled more flames to keep himself airborne..

"I won't die.. because of  some puny explosion!!" Vilgax hissed. "I AM VILGAX!!!"

"Yeah!? Well go be Vilgax somewhere else!!" Ultimate Swampfire roared as a root like vine grew out of his chest and grabbed a gel bomb from his back. The bomb was thrown into Vilgax, causing a large blue flaming explosion that blasted Vilgax off..

But Vilgax recovered fast and grabbed onto the wall of the structure, digging his claws into the concrete.

Ultimate Swampfire grabbed onto the stairs just short of the door, hanging by the railing above an explosion that was gaining up from below.

"Crap!!" Ultimate Swampfire yelled as the railing began to shift.

Then.. a couple of smaller, delicate and softer comforting hands reached out and grabbed Ultimate Swampfire's arm..

Realizing who it was, Ultimate Swampfire changed back into Ben to reduce the weight as Mikoto Misaka pulled him to safety.

"I thought I told you to get out!" Ben exclaimed.

"I did.." said Mikoto stubbornly. "Then I came back inside! See? I did what you said."

"RAAAAHHH!!!" Vilgax leapt up from the side of the wall, his muscles bulging angrily.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!!!" Mikoto yelled letting a powerful lightning bold of over 1 billion volts explode into Vilgax's torso..

Vilgax was blasted back from the incredible force of Mikoto's lightning, and sent hurtling down into the rising explosion..

as the explosion neared, Mikoto grabbed Ben by the arm and threw herself and him out the exit.. the building apparently had mostly been underground, as Ben and Mikoto had just thrown themselve out of what appeared to be a 2 story building scheduled for demolition.

As the building exploded with extreme force, Ben instantly changed into Humungousaur, and hugged Mikoto gently, shielding her with his large tough back as the giant flames raged against him..

When the dust settled.. Humungousaur was still covering Mikoto protectively, his eyes closed.

"Uhh.. Ben? Explosion's over.." said Mikoto.

"OH!" Humungousaur blushed and backed off, twiddling his thumbs. "Uhh.. yeah.."

There was another flash of green light as Ben reverted to human form once more.

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 2, Grudge Match.Where stories live. Discover now