Vengeance of Vilgax.

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Vilgax's giant armored foot smashed the remains of Mikoto's phone to pieces as he clenched the muscles in his arm threateningly..  Mikoto could tell from the way this alien carried himself that he had been through countless battles.. had years of combat experience, and also had a tremendously high ego.

"Who are you?" Mikoto said, getting to her feet. "Why are you after Ben?"

"He never spoke of me?" said Vilgax. "Hmph, perhaps he wished to forget about the one true Vilgax.. Conquerer of 10 Worlds!!"

"Vilgax!?" Mikoto exclaimed.

Mikoto remembered the name quite well of course. However, whenever Ben had spoken of Vilgax, it had been merely in an assortment of dark hints. From what Mikoto was able to deduce from those hints, Vilgax was a long time enemy who had been the reason for Ben faking his death, and that he was dangerous enough to be on the Intergalacti Crime Watch.

Mikoto clenched her fists. From the tone of Vilgax's voice, she could tell this guy held a grudge to the extreme and that if he found Ben... he would attempt to kill him in the most gruesome and terrible way possible...

"There's no way.." Mikoto growled. "No way I'm telling you where Ben is..if you want him, you'll have to get through me.."

Vilgax's red eyes widened slightly and a low rumbling growl that sounded as threatening as an army of rabbid wolverines began to resound from his chest. "You.. dare..? You insignificant.. puny bug of a homosapien!?"

Vilgax raised a fist. "You will learn respect.. in THE AFTERLIFE!!"

Vilgax threw a punch with collosal force, Mikoto rolled out of the way and used electromagnetism to pull herself onto the side of a nearby building as tremendous shockwave shook the entire street, and a massive crater erupted from where Vilgax's fist had made contact.

"WHOAH!!!" Mikoto exclaimed. "What kind of steroids are you taking!?"

Mikoto leapt off the building as Vilgax's fist came crashing into the wall.. the entire building collpased and the shockwave blew Mikoto away, sending smacking right into the hood of a car..

Mikoto rolled off the car hood rubbing her back sorely before sending several lightning spears hurtling into Vilgax. The lightning exploded into Vilgax, who swiped aside the resulting dust with a simple gesture from his powerful arm. "That stung..admittidly metal armor does make electricity a little irritating.. but you're out of your league.."

"Why don't you just leave Ben alone!?" Mikoto growled. "He's had enough of you!! I can tell that much!!! Is your freaking grudge worth this much!?"

"Fool!!" Vilgax roared. "You know nothing.. your friend Ben Tennyson holds the key to a power struggle, so ancient, so vast, it is beyond your puny human comprehension... imagine an army..each in command of an Omnitrix, and all at my command.. I would be invincible, I would be unstoppable!! And all that has stood in my way.. and somehow.. by the skin of his teeth.. held me back repeatidly.. IS BEN TENNYSON!!"

Vilgax ripped out a massive slab of the street with his bare claws and threw it at Mikoto who blasted it apart with some lightning..

"Army my ass.. squid face.." Mikoto growled as she took out a coin and aimed it at Vilgax.

There was a powerful boom and an orange streak as Mikoto fired her Railgun move straight into Vilgax's chest.

Vilgax was sent hurtling into the street in a massive shockwave.. however.. after about a minute, Vilgax crawled out of the crater.. flicking the sizzling molten metal that had once been a coin off his chest with one claw.

"I am guessing that was your strongest attack." Vilgax said. "Hmph.. it actually hurt.. how amusing.."

Mikoto staggered back. "N-no.. he took that straight on!!!?"

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