A Correction of Introductions

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Many times, as Ben was carted off to the hospital.. he would momentarily open his eyes.. and wonder if he was dreaming..

The kiss.. the kiss he exchanged with the wonderful girl felt like a dream alright.. it felt even more like a dream then it did when Ben had first gotten the Omnitrix, and nearly burned down an entire forest as Heatblast in the thrill of having Alien Superpowers..

Not to mention it was actually his first kiss.. now that was something big... really big.. he tried a first kiss back in middle school when he first came to Academy City, and failed utterly, as it turned out, the girl in question, laughed in his face.

Now he actually kissed a girl.. of course that was only after he had gotten his skull nearly split open by Vilgax.. and then watched Vilgax get his skull nearly split open by Mikoto.. but he kissed a girl.. and his first kiss was a kiss with the one girl he fell in love with more deeply then any other girl he had ever met in his life.

It had to be a dream right? Yeah.. he was probably fighting some alien, got wonked on the head.. and as the result he was spun into an outrageous outlandish dream where his deepest wish came true and he and Mikoto were now by definition.. a couple..

It made Ben feel extremely glum to think that. He was going to be quite sad when he woke up.. Mikoto would probably ask him what was wrong.. he'd say 'nothing'... and then everything would go back to the way it was.. total friendzone...

Ben's eyes opened.. he was lying in the emergency room.. well.. it wasn't as if he was a stranger to that situation.. however, he didn't feel that bad, as usual, the Omnitrix sped up his healing, using his DNA as a template to close up his wounds quicker and reconstruct broken and fractured bones.

But he still felt painful..

Mikoto was sitting next to his bed, her left arm was in a cast and sling and a she had several bandages on her arms and her cheek. She was wearing her normal Tokwadai Uniform.

"Hey there." said Mikoto with a smile. "Happy Day 2 of the Daihaseisai!"

Ben chuckled. "Let me guess, Me and you can't compete in any more events due to our.. er.. injuries eh?"

"Kinda.." said Mikoto. "Believe it or not.. the doctors say you're free to go as soon as you woke up.. your injuries healed pretty fast thanks to the Omnitrix... but you'll still have to watch it.. "

"Guess now everyone knows about the Omnitrix, nobody's surprised anymore.." Said Ben with a chuckle. "So.. how are you..?"

"Well, I've got a broken arm, and some formerly broken ribs.."


"As it turns out the Omnitrix must affect people around you, not just you yourself." said Mikoto. "My healing isn't on the same scale as yours.. but I've healed way quicker then the normal human. Anyways, Vilgax dissapeared.. probably gone off planet to heal his..er.. injuries."

"Not to mention his busted ego." said Ben. "The Croci Di Pietro?"

"Gone.. Lidvia escaped with it.. and even though she still has it, she lost her chance to carry out the invasion of Academy City she was attempting." said Mikoto. "Stiyl's gone back to wherever he came from.. and er.. that idiot Kamijou.. well.."

"Don't tell me he's cut up real bad too.."

"No.. but a moment ago I saw that weird nun whose always hanging around him biting his head.." Mikoto said with a frown. "Seriously... are those two going out!? What is his relationship with that odd girl!?"

Ben shrugged. "Probably nothing to worry about.."

Mikoto laughed. "Before last month, I probably would've dissagreed with that.. but now.."

Mikoto leaned forward and kissed Ben.

"S-so.. it wasn't a dream.." Ben stammered. "THANK GOD!!! I was feeling all glum cause I thought it was a dream!!"

"Honestly, if it was one of your dreams, then you would've been riding a dragon with Ishiyama from Sumo Slammers while playing poker with Kangaroo Commando.." said Mikoto.

"You know me well." Ben chuckled again.

Mikoto sighed. "So.. er.. now what.. I guess now we're.. together huh?"

"Yep.. I hope so.."

"Well.. You introduced me to your parents as your best friend right? How do we explain that?" Mikoto muttered sheepishly.

"Well.." said Ben. "I guess.. I could reintroduce you, properly this time."

"D-do you think they would approve?" Mikoto muttered nervously. "Well.. I mean.. this is a really big leap from Best Friends to Boyfriend and Girlfriend in one day!"

"Oh trust me.." said Ben. "I think they'll approve.."

"What about.. your grandfather?"

"What about him?"

"B-Ben.. I met him in the hall.. he doesn't know who I am yet!! Your grandfather is here!!"

Ben's jaw dropped. "Grandpa Max.. I-I haven't seen him in thre-"

Before Ben could finish his sentence.. the man in question.. the large elderly man wearing an aloha shirt and a good natured smile walked in.. followed by Ben's parents, Mikoto's mother, and Gwen and Helen.

"YAY!! YOU'RE AWAKE!!!" Helen exclaimed with glee, running over at supersonic speed and hugging the wind out of Ben..

"Hey sport!" said Grandpa Max with a wink at his grandson.. "It's been a while.. sorry I couldn't get here earlier, the Rust Bucket broke down again, but she held up until I got here..after I got her fixed up again of course.."

"G-Grandpa.." Ben stammered. He didn't know what to say...

"So.. you DO know this young lady." said Grandpa Max, jabbing a thumb at Mikoto. "Who would've thought that this young girl here was little Mikoto from that Summer Vacation years ago? Misuzu and I were just catching up!"

Gwen stared at her grandfather. "Y-you remembered that!? I barely even remembered that, it took a month before I even remembered that me and Mikoto met before!!"

"Well Dad always had quite a memory on him!" said Carl Tennyson with a wink. "Well as a matter of fact.. Mikoto is Ben's best friend now in this city.."

"S-sorry!" Ben interrupted. "That's not entirely accurate.. er.. you see.."

Mikoto and Ben looked at each other and nodded.

"Mom.. Dad.. Grandpa... I would like you to meet Mikoto Misaka.. my.. girlfriend.."

There was a silence.. a silence that was broken by a statement that everyone in the entire room completely agreed with..

"WELL IT'S ABOUT TIME!!" Both Gwen and Helen exclaimed.

The End..

Stay tuned for the epilogue and watch out for Book 3: Magical Warfare.

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