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Deep below Academy City..  there was a slimey ramshackled lookiing tunnel.. full of slimey webs.. and incubated eggs that poked out of the slime and muck..

Xenocite eggs..

A DNAlien walked nervously through the grime.. of course it wasn't the environment that made him nervous.. it was the masters he was coming to report to..

Long had the masters planned for the operations proceeding in Academy City..and the masters would not take too kindly to the news he was about to bring.. not too kindly at all..

The DNAlien walked into a massive chamber..full glowing translucent webs and muck.. the normal traits of a DNAlien Hive..

He bowed before a holographic screen that seemed more like some sort of mystic mirror..  in the screen, appeared the image of one of the large humanoid white beings from Ben's dream.. only this time.. the alien had webbed orange wings coming from his shoulders and sides.. and his stomach was open to reveal the throbbing power within..

"Speak.. Half Breed Vermin.. " the creature spoke in a low monstrous voice of unbelievable pride and dignity.

"My lord..." said the DNAlien. "I have news, and I am afraid it is not good.. Lidvia Lorenzetti, and the Catholic Church.. they failed to subjugate Academy City under their territory, as per instructed... the Catholic Church, thinks we interfered my lord.. because of the involvement of the Forever Knights my lord.."

"Those puny Mongrel knights.. do not sway our motives." said the being. "Tell the Pope and Fiamma that.. and I see no need for me to tear apart those half breed mongrels either..."

"M-My lord.. there's more.." said the DNAlien. "We believe now.. that Ben Tennyson.. truly has come out of his self forced retirement... he destroyed one of our facilities earlier yesterday..we believe.. he is gaining assistance from Mental Out.. who continues to elude us..."

"He.. is using the Omnitrix?"

"Yes.. my lord.."

"So Aleister wishes to play a little game with me hmm? His puppet.. Ben Tennyson.. against the our mongrel puppets, the church.." The creature mused.

"I regret to say master.. but a puppet or not.. it is a formidible one.." said the DNAlien.

"Hmmmm.. Ben 10... is back.." said the Highbreed commander.. his monstrous voice rumbling with a supreme dislike. "But... he has no idea.. what he's going up against this time... no idea.. at all.."

As the Highbreed ended his sentence.. sounds near the cieling of the chamber could be heard.. as hundreds upon thousands of DNAliens crawled out, an entire army of drones... ready to tear apart their master's foes..

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 2, Grudge Match.Where stories live. Discover now