The Night Parade

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Mikoto could feel a rising panic coming over her as the sky turned black. Any moment, the stars would come out, and the Croci Di Pietro would activate.. they had to hurry.. they had to get there in time.

Mikoto, Stiyl and Touma were riding the train as this time, Tsuchimikado stayed behind to look after the tracking spell.

Mikoto's spare phone rang (Her first one was crushed by Vilgax.) She picked it up frantically and sighed with relief when she heard the familiar voice.

"Ben!! Thank God!! Are you okay!?"

"Er.. yeah, knocked out Oriana.. got her tied up in Spidermonkey webbing, she isn't going anywhere any time soon."

"Well get here soon!" said Mikoto. "We don't know when Vilgax is going to show up!! Or if he's already got what he wants."

"Got it." said Ben. "I'm XLR8ing over to your location as soon as I can use Wildmutt to get an exact point on your location.. oh yeah, by the way, watch out.. Route Disturb has a friend working with her.. probably holding on to the Croci Di Pietro till the oppertune moment."

At that moment the train stopped, and Mikoto and the others piled off.. making their way into District 11..

"Gotta hang up now!" said Mikoto. "Did Wildmutt smell anywhere specific we should look!?"

"Somewhere wide and open!" said Ben. "Look for a wide open space!"

"The runways!!" Mikoto exclaimed. "Alright...thanks.."

"Mikoto wait!!" Ben said. "B-before you hang up... I love you..."

Mikoto stopped in her tracks, a tear trickled down her cheek. "Y-you... uh...I... I love you... too.."

"Biribiri! What are you waiting for!?" Touma shouted. "Come on, we have to move!"

"R-right!" Mikoto hung up the phone. "Coming!!"

As the group ran outside the airport and across the runways, Mikoto kept her eye out for planes, she wasn't going to be the one to have to be scraped off the asphalt by a shovel.

"Hey.. I got info from Tsuchimikado on the one whose working with Route Disturb." said Stiyl, showing Touma and Mikoto a text. "It's interesting actually.. she's known as the Mardi Gras.. funny enough, she's not a combative magician.. she's an evangelist.."

"Wait, like a missionary?" said Touma. "That doesn't make sense."

"She specializes in converting those that would otherwise be considered by the Roman Catholic Church to be lost causes." said Stiyl. "Cultists, criminals, individuals that would normally be executed by the church for their ways.."

"They STILL do religious executions!?" said Mikoto with incredulity. "That's not very Jesus-like... "

"Not saying they're in the right.. but the Roman Catholic Church considers Mardi Gras a thorn in their side, since according to the law of their magic societies, you can't actually take any action against those who are defined as converted by one of their even though Mardi Gras is part of the Roman Catholic Church in all technicality, she's a sort of last resort in this kind of job.. which means Academy City must really be drawing a lot of hate from the religious community."

"That kind of person, being able to convert those who are considered lost causes." said Touma. "That means she would have a ton of influence, I can see whay she could be considered a dangerous foe.."

"HEY!! You!! You're not supposed to be here!!"

"Oh crap.." Mikoto muttered as she looked over her shoulder to see several security gaurds hot on their tail. "This isn't good.. I don't want to have to hurt them if I can help it.."

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